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Total Sessions Found: 29 | Reset Sorter

TitleDate / TimePresenters
Exploration of Assistive Technology Labs in Higher Education Settings

1:45 - 2:45 pm
Presenters: Laura H King
, Kim Floyd
Inclusion in Practice: Deconstructing Barriers and Creating Success for All Classrooms

1:45 - 2:45 pm
Presenters: John Hans
, Suzy Marquis
Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Across Ohio: Integrating Systems for Success

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Presenters: Misty Cole
, Angie Gibbs
Great to Meet You! How Relationships Develop with DIRFloortime

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Colette Ryan
My Job is Just Teach! How Collaborating With an SLP Shattered My Views on AAC in the Classroom

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Amy D'Amico
, Lora Conrad
Creating Co-Planning Experiences Between General and Special Education Pre-service Candidates

10:00 - 11:00 am
Presenters: Shawnee Wakeman
, Holly Johnson
Foundations for Growth: Classroom Techniques for Preschool Regulation

10:00 - 11:00 am
Presenters: Megan Trowbridge
, Marsha McLagan
, Megan Cheesebrew
, Alexis Kirk
Giving the Dignity of Risk

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Jared Stewart
Supporting Multi-System Youth and Their Families When a Parent Has Five or More Aces

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Sarah Buffie
, C. Danae Riggs
A Statewide, Multi-Faceted Approach to Early Childhood Inclusion Ohio

12:30 - 1:30 pm
Presenters: Laura Maddox-Bechard
, Wendy Grove
Autism at the Federal Level: Federal Agency Activities Overview and Discussion

12:30 - 1:30 pm
Presenters: Susan Daniels
Communicate Beyond Requesting: Letting Students Talk Back

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Presenters: Jessica Roth
, Jennifer Matson-Cary
Medicaid Buy In for Workers with Disabilities

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Presenters: Darenda Geer
, Nathan Turner
, Christine Brown
, Latosha Olinger
Designing for Inclusion: Elevating Learner Voice through UDL

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Barb Gentille Green
, Robin Cunconan Lahr
How Can We Support Children with CCN in Inclusive Spaces at School?

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Genevieve Hurlburt
, Hannah Rogers
Paraeducator Training and Challenging Behavior in the Classroom: Current Practices and Implications

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Emily Sobeck
, Sarah Douglas
, Virginia Walker
, Melissa Tapp
, Alexandra Reilly
Disentangling and Making Connections: MTSS, UDL, and Technology

10:00 - 11:00 am
Presenters: Brian Wojcik
, Janet Peters
Leveraging Your LMS: Collaborative Strategies for Dynamic Course Development

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Hendrik Wolfert
, Sue Seelig
, Danielle Holztrager
, Ashley Girt
That One Step Towards Inclusive Practice: Simple Strategies to Support Executive Functioning

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Carly McVey
, Robert Pennington
, Rachel Schultz
First-Person Experiences of Getting an Autism Diagnosis

1:45 - 2:45 pm
Presenters: Amy Bixler Coffin
, Ruth Aspy
Making Professional Development Accessible for In-Service Educators

1:45 - 2:45 pm
Presenters: Byul Yim
, Santiago Sanchez
Understanding BCBA's Role When Supporting Students with Complex Communication Needs

1:45 - 2:45 pm
Presenters: Natalie Andzik
, Alexandra Reilly
, Monique Pinczynski
, Andy Masud
Bridges Out of Poverty Overview

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Suzie Johnson-Smith
Conceptualizing Behavior Analysts as Related Service Providers in Inclusive Schools

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Robert Pennington
, Michael Giangreco
Transition Help for Students with Twice-Exceptionality and Autism Spectrum Disorders

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Cynthia Frye
Unlocking the Power of Learning: A Fusion of UDL and Technology

8:45 - 9:45 am
Presenters: Heidi Orvosh
, Kristie Hughes
Building an Accessible and Engaging Library for Adults with IDD

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Jillian Ober
, Jessie Green
Designing for Diversity: Universal Tools for Inclusive Professional Growth

11:15 am - 12:15 pm
Presenters: Trisha Page
, Heather Peschel
Test Session Public

3:00 - 4:00 pm
Presenters: Jill Hudson
, Hal Hixson