First time at OCALICONLINE? Welcome! We're so glad you're joining us! A large percentage of our attendees are typically attending for the first time – so you are certainly not alone! Can we offer up some words of wisdom for how to make the most of your time with us? Here are a few suggestions to help you have the best experience possible!
- Practice logging in! Seriously, we know it sounds simple, but you would be surprised at how many people can't remember which email they used to register - or discover they aren't registered when they thought they were! So give it a whirl! Log in to your account and make sure you know which email to use and the proper password.
- Get ready to Zoom! OCALICONLINE mostly runs on the Zoom platform. Though not required, we strongly suggest you use the latest version of the Zoom application for the optimum conference experience.
- Read over all of the CEU instructions. If you are looking to receive credit for participating in the event, make sure you read over the relevant CEU instructions AND complete all of the necessary steps. We don't want you missing out on your credit! Specific details will be available throughout fall, so keep an eye on the website for regular updates!
- Read each Backstage Pass.
Backstage Pass is the attendee newsletter delivered straight to your inbox in the months and weeks prior to the event. It's loaded with announcements, instructions, and tips – so be sure to read each issue, and don't unsubscribe!
- Make the Session Sorter your new best friend.
This handy tool shows you the entire conference schedule, including all sessions, presenters, days, and times. It's the best way to browse the catalog in its entirety, but it's also how you can sort and find content that fits YOUR specific needs. Try selecting a combination of items from each drop-down menu. The more items selected will help you narrow your results!
- Plan in advance which sessions you want to attend.
Map out your personal schedule a week or two before the live event. Use the "My Schedule" feature (you must be logged into your account and visit the Session Sorter to access) to customize and add sessions to your schedule. This doesn't reserve a seat for you, it merely helps you track which sessions are when. We also recommend choosing more than one session per time block as a back-up plan. You might find your first choice isn't quite what you thought, and with another option lined up, you can make a quick switch!
- Take note of when on-demand access closes and pace yourself.
We get it. Four days is a long time for an online event, so we're under no illusion you are going to be glued to your computer screen the whole time. Nor should you be. Find a rhythm that works for you. Take breaks. Eat. Yes, eat. (One attendee once told us she didn't eat lunch for three days, she was so engaged in the event.) Remember that on-demand is available through January 10, 2025. So you can catch up on or rewatch your favortite sessions later. Don't feel like you have to 'jam and cram' it all in at once. Give yourself some space.
- Choose at least one session outside your area of interest.
Are you a general educator? Then we challenge you to attend a session on supporting students with visual impairments. Are you a social worker? Then we challenge you to attend a session on sensory regulation and motor control. Branch out! Explore! Choose content that will stretch your ways of thinking and give you some new or different ideas and perspectives. Still plan to attend sessions that are most relevant to you, but don't be afraid to step outside of your comfort zone! You never know what you might learn!
- Take notes!
Not all presenters upload their handouts prior to the event, which means you may not have access to their slides or materials. Take notes as best you can, and when all else fails, ask the presenter directly in the chat for a copy of their handouts! This is also where the beauty of on-demand comes in – you can always go back and watch the session again to catch anything you might have missed!
- Browse #OCALICON2024 on social media.
This is a great way to see what other attendees are chattering about as well as important conference announcements! Follow the conversations on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
- Get acquainted with OCALI.
Are you familiar with the organization behind OCALICONLINE? Our conference is but a glimpse into everything else we do, as there is SO much more we offer. Visit our website, browse around, and learn more about our different centers, services, and offerings.