Looking for practical tools or community connections? In need of supports for your child or family? Then our resource directory may be the place you find what you need!
The organizations below offer vital expertise, products, and resources to our community. If interested, visit their websites, reach out to them with questions, and explore their social media.
ALL Ohio Literacy is a collection of high-quality, open-access learning modules for educators and resources for families and community members. The purpose of these materials is to enhance the literacy learning of all children and youth. ALL Ohio Literacy learning modules explore various literacy topics through narrative text, linked resources, realistic scenarios, reflections, learning activities, and embedded audio and videos. Upon successfully completing a module, educators earn a proficiency-based micro-credential and certificate they can submit to their provider for continuing education credit. Family resources include read-alouds, 5-minute literacy routines, and literacy conversations, available in English, Spanish, Arabic, Somali, Japanese, and Chinese.
Autism Society Central Ohio (ASCO) is an affiliate of The Autism Society of America. ASCO's mission is to create connections, empowering everyone in the autism community with the resources needed to live fully. ASCO has been improving the lives of all affected by autism for over 25 years, providing advocacy, education, information and referral, support groups and events for learning, community and fun in central Ohio.
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ASO is a coalition of all Ohio affiliates of the Autism Society of America charged with the mission to create connections, empowering everyone in the autism community with the resources needed to live fully. ASO provides advocacy and autism awareness throughout the state. Our particular focus is on Ohio counties not served by a local Autism Society affiliate.
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Our tools are designed to help students understand what is expected of them in class, build communication skills, manage behavior positively, and support learning. Our practical educational catalog includes special education curriculum, visual supports, social emotional learning materials, as well as a variety of behavior supports to help students on the spectrum learn. Check out our free resources including our App iTalkDoc.
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The Ohio Association of Pupil Services Administrators (OAPSA) is the premier statewide professional organization for school administrators with district-wide responsibilities for student services/special education. OAPSA is focused on keeping our members informed, compliant and connected with our colleagues in Ohio and in our nation. OAPSA is an affiliate of the National Association of Pupil Services Administrators, and also serves as the state chapter for the Council of Administrators of Special Education (CASE). OAPSA holds both in person and virtual conferences plus four virtual hot topic sessions throughout each school year. In addition, they offer an outstanding mentoring program for those administrators who are new to the profession.
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The Ohio Coalition for the Education of Children with Disabilities (OCECD) is a statewide nonprofit organization that serves families of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities in Ohio, and the educators and agencies who provide services to them. OCECD works through the coalition efforts of over 40 parent and professional disability organizations and over 70 individual members which comprise the Coalition. OCECD has been in existence since 1972 and been funded from the federal government, U.S. Dept of Education, Office for Special Education Programs since 1984, to serve as the Parent Training and Information Center (PTI) for the state of Ohio.
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As a 100% provider-led organization, PSI offers comprehensive educational and health services for schools, including psychological services, speech therapy, and specialized nursing. Partnered with University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital, PSI improves student outcomes in grades, health, and behavior through innovative, customized models.
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