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Title | Date / Time | Presenters | |
Rising When We Fall: Fostering Resilience and Perseverance During Our Sessions and At Home
10:00 - 11:00 am | Presenters: Anna Vagin |
Presenter Detail
Heather Paige Alger
Heather Paige Alger discovered her passion for working with individuals with communication challenges while studying communication disorders in college. She graduated from the University of Kentucky with a Master of Science degree in Communication Disorders. Her career spans over three decades of service in special education in Kentucky public schools as a speech-language pathologist and director of special education/preschool. She is certified as a speech-language pathologist by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)-Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC-SLP). As a field trainer for the Kentucky Autism Training Center, Heather trains agencies that support autistic people.
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Jenna Allen
Jenna Allen is a transition to adulthood consultant at the OCALI Lifespan Transitions Center. Her professional experience includes provision and supervision of services to youth and adults with disabilities, with a primary focus on community inclusion and integrated employment, and frontline roles in the fields of education and community health. She has earned degrees from Oberlin College and Kent State University, and is also a certified Charting the LifeCourse Ambassador.
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Ashley Anderson
Ashley Anderson has a doctorate degree from UNC Charlotte. She has 12 years of experience teaching in the classroom, serving students with extensive support needs. Her research interests include supporting students with extensive support needs, communication, early transition-based skill learning, and community-based instruction. In her spare time she serves as the local coordinator for Special Olympics Gaston County and participates in several professional organizations. She enjoys spending time with my family and friends, participating in sports and outdoor activities, baking, and crafting.
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Kate Anderson
Kate Anderson has worked in the field of special education and behavior analysis for 20 years. During that time she earned a bachelors of science in psychology from The Ohio State University, a masters of education in early childhood special education from Vanderbilt University, and her BCBA. She worked as a behavioral consultant for 13 years where she worked with young children and their families before returning to OSU where she is working on a PhD. She has presented her research regarding naturalistic interventions and peer mediation in early childhood at conferences such as TASH and the Division of Early Childhood as well as several Ohio State University forums.
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Natalie Andzik
Natalie Andzik is an associate professor in the department of special and early education at Northern Illinois University. Her research interest grew from being a special educator in California. Andzik's research focuses on supporting communication independence among individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. She believes that teachers, paraeducators, and other school-based practitioners benefit from support when implementing evidence-based practices and once trained, school-based practitioners can make a profound change.
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Ruth Aspy
Ruth Aspy, PhD, is a licensed psychologist specializing in transdisciplinary assessment and intervention for individuals with ASD. She is co-author of The Ziggurat Model, which earned the Autism Society Literary Achievement Award. Her focus is on understanding underlying strengths and characteristics of those with ASD and designing supports and strategies with these differences in mind. She has an emphasis on working with females with ASD and on catatonia.
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Matt Baud
Matthew R. Baud, MS, CCC-SLP, has been working with augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) for over 20 years. He currently is the assistive technology coordinator at Niles Township District for Special Education (NTDSE) performing evaluations, trainings, and coaching staff. Baud also has his own AAC private practice working with individuals with complex communication needs from birth through adulthood. He is an adjunct professor at Saint Xavier University where he teaches a graduate course in AAC and has presented at international, national, and state conferences. Baud has published research in the areas of AAC.
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Jen Bavry
Jen Bavry, OCALI's senior project manager, provides strategic project management supporting organizational endeavors. She formerly served as OCALI's Family Center program director. Bavry has been instrumental in supporting OCALI initiatives to equip families and professionals with resources and tools. She has led efforts to enhance community awareness and access, such as building the knowledge of future hospitality industry leaders and increasing accessibility at fairs across Ohio. As a parent of an autistic son, Bavry is a strong advocate for individuals and families having access to supports in their homes, schools, and communities leading to greater opportunities and outcomes.
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Allison Bean
Allison Bean is associate professor at The Ohio State University. She received her B.A. from Iona College and her M.S. from New York Medical College. During her clinical fellowship year, she participated in the Leadership in Education and Neurodevelopemental Disabilities (LEND) training program. Bean completed her Ph.D. in communication sciences and disorders at the University of Iowa, followed by a year of postdoctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her research focuses on language development in individuals with autism spectrum disorders and outcomes in individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication.
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Steve Beha
Steve Beha is a experienced professional with over 15 years of experience in the field of developmental disabilities. Currently, Steve serves as the Deputy Director and Chief Policy Officer at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD). In this role, he oversees a division responsible for crafting policies and managing programs that empower people with developmental disabilities to live meaningful lives across various settings. He has also held leadership positions with advocacy and provider organizations. This diverse background equips him with a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities within Ohio's developmental disabilities landscape.
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Dave Bell
Dave Bell has been in public education for over 20 years. He has spent time as an early childhood intervention specialist and a social communication teacher before his current role as a behavior specialist. Bell is a social emotional learning facilitator, a trauma informed care facilitator, and a certified yoga teacher. The experience of working with hundreds of educators throughout SW Ohio has provided a wealth of opportunities. Bell believes that behavior influences behavior and his latest endeavor is working with a small group of like-minded educators to develop and implement a mindfulness curriculum that teachers can access for themselves and the students they serve.
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Shawna Benson
Shawna Benson has worked at OCALI since 2008, where she is the program director for the Teaching Diverse Learners Center. In addition to working at OCALI, she has also worked within Ohio school districts, ESCs, SSTs, DODD, private preschool and higher education as an educator, assistive technology specialist, autism/low incidence specialist, literacy specialist, associate professor and director of disability services. She has experience co-teaching in inclusive settings and providing academic instruction/intervention to students with a wide range of exceptionalities, ages, strengths and needs, which has provided her with a wealth of information that she now applies to her current work.
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Carrie Berlin
Carrie Berlin went to University of Findlay for her undergraduate degree in early childhood education. After teaching a few years, she moved to Columbus to gain her master's degree in Deaf education. Berlin has been a Teacher of the Deaf and hard of hearing for the past eleven years and loves each day. She currently resides in Hilliard, with her husband, Kenneth, and two children. Life is busy and happy. In her spare time, Berlin loves to hang out with her family, garden, read Sherlock Holmes books, and shop!
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Elizabeth Biggs
Elizabeth Biggs, Ph.D., is an assistant professor of special education at Vanderbilt University and a member of the Vanderbilt Kennedy Center. She was formerly a special education teacher on the Navajo Nation in New Mexico and has over 14 years of experience working with students with disabilities. Her research focuses on improving outcomes for students with autism and other intellectual and developmental disabilities who are nonspeaking or have limited speech. She also teaches classes focused on literacy, inclusion, and general education access. She has published over 45 research articles and book chapters on augmentative and alternative communication (AAC), inclusion, and literacy.
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Rachel Bigham
Rachel Bigham, MEd, TVI, COMS, serves Zanesville City Schools in southeastern Ohio. Bigham has taught as an adjunct faculty member and consultant for The Ohio State University program in orientation and mobility. She received her bachelor's degree in psychology from Ohio University and her master's in visual impairments education from The Ohio State University with a focus on CVI. Bigham has served across age settings and seeks to provide valuable information and ideas into all areas of visual impairment services. She has presented on numerous occasions, including OCALICON 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2023 and has published several articles and book reviews.
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Amy Bixler Coffin
Amy Bixler Coffin, MS, is program director of the Autism Center at OCALI. An educator in special education for 34 years, Coffin has served as an intervention specialist, low-incidence supervisor, director of special education, and autism program director. She currently coordinates and provides regional and statewide professional development for districts, families, and organizations. Coffin has presented at state, national, and international conferences, contributed to several articles and book chapters, and has authored a book on supporting individuals with ASD in the community.
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Erin Black
Erin Black has served as a core team member with Transition Discoveries, and now serves as the program director at Integrate For Good. She holds a degree in disability studies and public relations from the University of Toledo. As a recent graduate living with a rare neuromuscular condition, Black is dedicated to empowering youth with disabilities. Passionate about public speaking and visual creation for marketing/social media, she shares her inspiring story worldwide. Connect with Black and learn more at
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Kristin Blain
Kristin Blain is a graduate from Grand Valley State University where she majored in psychology with an emphasis in special education. She went on to graduate from Michigan State University's master's program, masters in the art of education. With a decade of experience as a special educator, with highly effective ratings, Blain transitioned to become an assistive technology consultant. Notably, Blain was a mentee in the inaugural class of Joy Zabala Fellows and presented at ATiA on behalf of the fellowship. She also recently co-facilitated an Inclusive Tech Playground workshop at the MACUL conference, showcasing her dedication to accessibility and inclusivity for all learners.
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Grace Blatt
Grace Blatt has been a Good Life Ambassador for the Cuyahoga Board of Developmental Disabilities since 2016. She advocates and promotes the inclusion of people on the autism spectrum as well as all people with disabilities. Blatt holds a master's degree in Psychological Sciences from Cleveland State University. Grace currently works as an intern at Cuyahoga DD in the Community Development Department. She has experienced many challenges and triumphs which she has learned from and can articulate the challenges and triumphs for other people on the autism spectrum and those with disabilities.
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Katie Bochi
Katie Bochi M.A., CCC-SLP, NTMTC is a speech-language pathologist with over a decade of experience working in pediatrics, including a background in homecare, outpatient, and early intervention. She is currently works full time in a NICU where her primary focus is improving long term neurodevelopmental outcomes and safe feeding practices. Bochi currently sits on the executive board for the Council of State Speech-Language-Hearing Association Presidents and has served as president of OSLHA and NWOSLHA. She is also on the executive board of Wood County Plays, a non-profit organization whose mission is to build play spaces where everyone, of all ability levels, can play side by side.
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Trevor Boland
Trevor Boland is an advocate for inclusion in education and over his 20 years in Irish education he has worked with and for students on initiatives that include assistive technology, accessibility and universal design for learning. He is the AT officer in Dublin City University and collaborates internally and externally on inclusion initiatives to enhance inclusion in education.
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Katie Bostic
Katie Bostic is a student liaison at Hannan Trace Elementary for the Gallia County Local Schools. She has been a chemical dependency counselor for TASC in Southeast Ohio and an admission representative for the University of Rio Grande. As the student liaison, Bostic works with all prek-5 children at her school that might need extra social and emotional support. She enjoys connecting families to outside agencies and making resources like power cards and social stories for her students. In her free time she loves to enjoys her family and her precious baby, Thea.
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Jessica Bowman
Jessica Bowman, Ph.D. is a researcher with the TIES Center at the University of Minnesota. In this position, she works to improve the inclusion of students with extensive support needs in general education classrooms through technical assistance and resource development. Her research has focused on inclusion and access to the general education curriculum in mathematics for students with extensive support needs.
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Joan Breslin Larson
Joan Breslin Larson, M.Ed. is an independent consultant in AT. Her work has a particular focus on policy, leadership and developing effective teams to improve services for assistive technology in special education. She was formerly a supervisor for services for students with low-incidence disabilities at the Minnesota Department of Education and as an AT and UDL specialist. She has worked in AT for over 30 years, as an independent consultant, in a school setting and at the state education agency. She is a member of the QIAT Leadership Team and a founding member of the Joy Zabala Fellowship Steering Committee.
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Heather Bridgman
Heather Bridgman, a rehabilitation engineer, has been working in both the medical and educational environments for over 20 years on computer access, augmentative communication, universal design for learning, and online learning. She has a master's degree in systems engineering, a teaching license in high school mathematics, is certified as a RESNA assistive technology professional, and also teaches AT courses at Ashland University. Bridgman has presented at numerous conferences on a wide variety of assistive technology topics and market trends. Recent projects include development of SIFTS which is an AT feature-matching tool and the online modules known as ATIM.
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Bethany Britt
Bethany Britt, EdS., is the AT specialist for East Cleveland City Schools. She graduated from Kent State University with a B.S. and holds an M.A. in curriculum and instruction and an Ed. S. in educational administration from Cleveland State University. Britt served as an intervention specialist at the elementary, middle, and secondary levels for the first 10 years of her career. After leaving the classroom, she has held various positions in the public school setting, including assistant elementary principal, preschool principal, special education supervisor PS-12 as well as coordinator of special education compliance officer, homelessness liaison, and 504 coordinator.
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Erin Brooker Lozott
Erin Brooker Lozott, BCBA-D, CCC-SLP, is the program director at Els for Autism Foundation. She has worked with individuals with autism spectrum disorder and related disabilities for over 27 years. Lozott is a doctoral-level board-certified behavior analyst and a licensed and certified speech-language pathologist. She has a doctorate in special education from Nova Southeastern University. Lozott has co-authored many publications on ASD, and has presented and consulted extensively worldwide. Lozott is a member of global scientific advisory committees. At Els for Autism, she oversees all programs and services from birth through adulthood.
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Jennifer Brooks
Jennifer Brooks is the APH Regional Training Specialist for the Northcentral Region of the U.S. Her professional career in the field of visual impairments extends 20 years and includes serving as a TVI, COMS, CVRT, adjunct instructor, and director of programs. Brooks has more than 5 years of experience in an international role where she developed sustainable programs at schools for the blind and non-profit organizations in the country of Romania. She is a leader who specializes in program development including training & empowering professionals.
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Christine Brown
Christine Brown, a clinical research assistant and self advocate faculty at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, has been speaking out for the disability community since she was 14. She is focused on seeing people with disabilities know different resources and not having fears of whatever they might be afraid of. She graduated from LEND and was offered to work at the Nisonger Center where she reviews documents for language clarity. She also did a COVID-19 survey of how the public health emergency was impacting people physically, emotionally, psychologically, and also found out how technology has gone from an accessory to being a necessity.
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Teresa Brown
Teresa Brown, PhD, is the director of State Support Team Region 4. She earned her doctorate in special education from Kent State University, where her research focused on authentic assessment practices, development of quality and legally defensible IFSPs and IEPs, inclusive practices, and promoting early literacy in preschool special education programs. Brown has training and experience in working with individuals with disabilities from birth through age 21, and has consulted with programs to create high-quality inclusive environments.
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Sarah Buffie
Sarah Buffie, MSW, LSW, founding director of Soul Bird Consulting, believes that nothing has the power to heal like supportive relationships. Specializing in trauma responsive care, she helps organizations and individuals disrupt current models of thinking by building empathy and understanding around the effects of developmental trauma. Her focus is to spread awareness about how trauma affects the brain, body, and behavioral patterns and teach effective approaches for developing resilience within the people that organizations strive to serve, and the people closest to the work, caregivers, and direct providers.
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Myra Beth Bundy
Myra Bundy, PhD, BCBA, is a professor of psychology at Eastern Kentucky University, a board certified behavior analyst, and a licensed psychologist with specialization in autism and developmental disabilities. She interned at the University of North Carolina's TEACCH program. In the EKU psychology clinic, she works alongside graduate students with individuals with ASD across the lifespan. She researches autism topics, and coordinates the EKU ASD certificate program. She is a clinician with the Kentucky OCSHCN autism clinics. Bundy and her students enjoy spending time with individuals on the autism spectrum and their families.
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Sarah Buoni
Sarah Buoni, MEd, is the Assistant Administrator for the Diverse Learner Team with the Office for Exceptional Children at the Ohio Department of Education. She has worked in the area of low incidence disabilities for twenty years as both an administrator and an itinerant teacher. Buoni provides technical assistance to families and districts and informs policy and procedures for the education of children who are deaf/hard of hearing, blind/visually impaired, have traumatic brain injuries or have autism spectrum disorder. She participates on statewide meetings including the Interagency Workgroup on Autism, the Communicative Competency Taskforce and the Tech First Taskforce.
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Angela Burke
Angela Burke has been with the Summit County Board of DD for 5 years and is currently the SSA supervisor of technology. Before coming to Summit DD, and because of her youngest child with Down syndrome, Burke switched careers becoming a parent representative/advocate in her county for 14 years, then worked as a substitute paraprofessional in her school district for 6 years. Within the past 2 years, she developed Summit's SMART Home which provides technological and remote support options for their individuals, providers, and community members. She has provided understanding to families searching for support by showing them how technology can help.
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Theresa Busher
Theresa Busher is a social security public affairs specialist for central/southern Ohio and southern Indiana, which is part of social security's Chicago region. She acts as a social security spokesmen for media liaisons and public educators. Busher has worked for the Social Security Administration since 1993. She has a MA from Miami University and resides in the south Dayton area with her husband Ed and their 5 children.
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Mo Buti
Mo Buti has been a practicing professional in special education for over 33 years. She has served as director of Neumann Family Services and director of autism and intellectual disabilities at Chicago Public Schools. She possesses an MEd-BD, MEd-Administration, QIDP certification, director of special education degree/certificate from Illinois, and Type 75 administrator certification. Buti is a dynamic speaker and well-respected authority on autism, intellectual disabilities, adult services, behavioral strategies, educational supports, and more.
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Samantha Camacho
Samantha Camacho is the program coordinator and a board certified behavior analyst at Turning Pointe Autism Foundation, which serves individuals impacted by autism spectrum disorder. She has a bachelor's of science in psychology and a minor in bioethics from Loyola University Chicago, and masters of science in education with a specialization in special education/applied behavior analysis from Northern Illinois University. Additionally, she is a certified autism specialist. She has previously presented research on stereotypy at the Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis Annual Conference, OCALI, and the Illinois Council for Exceptional Children.
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Kelly Campbell
Kelly Campbell, MS,CCC/SLP, graduated from Clarion University of Pennsylvania in 1997, with her master's degree in speech-language pathology. Campbell has been a member of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association since 1998, with 24 years of experience in various public school districts across six different states. She has worked with children from ages 3-22, including a broad range of cultural backgrounds and speech-language needs. Campbell is an SLPD student at Northwestern University, with a special interest in the efficacy of co-treatment and consultation with other disciplines, particularly occupational therapy.
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Michael Cantino
Michael Cantino is an educator, assistive technology specialist, braille transcriber, and artist living in Portland, Oregon. He has been supporting students with disabilities in K-12 and higher education since 2006. Cantino specializes in creating accessible materials for complex subjects, including art, STEM, and wayfinding. He is currently working with Project INSPIRE and Raised Mathematics to improve STEM literacy and access for braille readers. Cantino has created 3D printed tactile materials for the US National Park Service, the Portland Art Museum, and a number of schools and universities.
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Thomas Capretta
Thomas Capretta joined the Center on Education and Training for Employment as the family engagement project coordinator at the Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center. Capretta previously worked for the Ohio Department of Education where he supported schools to serve students in foster care. Capretta, a Cleveland native, holds a BA in religious studies from Seton Hall University and an MPA from the John Glenn College. As a 2012 Teach for America Mississippi Delta Corps Member, he taught 4th and 5th grade math and science for three years. Capretta lives in the Southern Orchards neighborhood of Columbus with his cats, Maude and Jasper, where they enjoy an extensive collection of records.
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Heidi Carico
Heidi Carico received her BA in psychology from the University of NC at Wilmington in 2001. She received her MA with specialist level equivalency in school psychology from Western Carolina University in 2005. Upon graduation, she worked with Burke County Schools as a school psychologist for 10 years. In 2015, she began work at the NC Department of Public Instruction as a consultant for autism and charter schools. She supports school systems with Office of Exceptional Children initiatives and her main role is providing professional learning and technical assistance to support educators in understanding autism and implementing evidence-based practices when working with students with autism.
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Christi Carnahan
Christina Carnahan, EdD, is an associate professor of special education at the University of Cincinnati, where she is also the director of advancement and transition services. She conducts research in special education with individuals with autism and other complex learning needs. Carnahan's work with students with significant developmental disabilities focuses on improving post-high school outcomes through strategies that increase active engagement in learning activities, promote teacher efficiency, and improve literacy experiences at home and school.
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Delilah Carr
Delilah Carr brings 24 years of experience in the field of education to her role as a special education director. With a background that includes serving as a principal and an understanding of diverse learning needs, she is committed to fostering inclusive educational environments. Her personal journey as a parent of five children, some with special needs, fuels her passion for ensuring that all students receive the support and resources they require to thrive academically and personally. Her leadership is marked by her collaborative approach, empowering educators, parents, and community members to work together to create exceptional learning opportunities for every student.
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Lindsay Carr
Dr. Lindsay Carr has been in the field of education for roughly 20 years. She holds a PhD in education, with a focus in special education and two teaching licenses in the state of Ohio. She is the director of student accessibility services at Muskingum University. As the director, Carr is responsible for following the ADA to support equal access for students with disabilities. She has enjoyed providing professional development trainings throughout her career. Her research focus is on transitioning students with disabilities to college and adulthood, specifically related to self-determination and self-advocacy skills.
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Robin Carrasquillo
Robin Carrasquillo is a registered and licensed dietitian. She currently works as an education program specialist in the Office of Nutrition at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce where she provides support to sponsors of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Programs. One of her main topics of interest is accommodations of special diets in school meal programs. She has experience as a dietitian in both clinical and school settings working with children with food allergies and special diet needs. She enjoys drawing from that past experience to help sponsors and families safely navigate how to accommodate special diet needs within school meal programs.
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Victoria Carrier
Victoria Carrier began her educational career at the Lorain County Educational Service Center in 2007. Carrier spent 16 years teaching with the ESC at the Lorain County Early Learning Center, in a variety of teaching roles. She accepted her first principal position in 2023. Her educational philosophy is based on her uncompromising belief that all students can learn. Carrier received a bachelor's degree in early childhood special education from the Ashland University in 2007. She earned her master's degree in special education and curriculum and instruction in 2009. She pursued her administrative certification from Ashland University in 2022, which she obtained in 2024.
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Lori Chambers
Lori Chambers is a coordinator for TASN Autism and Tertiary Behavior Supports. She has served as a speech-language pathologist for 34 years through home-based, clinical, and school services for the Oklahoma Department of Health, Utah State University, and Kansas Schools. In 2006, she was recognized as Autism Teacher of the Year by Autism Southwest Kansas. Chambers presents statewide and nationally on topics around autism and complex social communication needs. Her most valued sources of wisdom are those families and individuals with complex needs that have allowed her to be part of their lives.
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Piya Chatterjee
Piya Chatterjee is an assistant professor of special education with the LJFF School of Education, University of Akron. She worked extensively in Summit County, evaluating several educational intervention programs on extended inclusion-focused learning opportunities for K-12 students. Chatterjee serves as the Treasurer for the Ohio Association of Teacher Educators. She worked as a K-12 teacher in India for many years. She researches teacher perceptions and attitudes toward inclusion. Chatterjee focuses on data-driven, inclusive, and equity-focused collaborative efforts among agencies to alleviate challenges and barriers to the success of students with disabilities.
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Megan Cheesebrew
Megan Cheesebrew is a 20 year veteran teacher at Greenfield Elementary. She has spent those 20 years in the special education preschool classroom as the lead teacher. Cheesebrew has her master's degree in k-12 intervention along with her ECIS endorsement. In the classroom, Cheesebrew spends time building trusting relationships with her students and creating a calm and inviting space for them to learn. She uses a wide variety of tools from her toolbox to show students that everyone can be successful in their school experiences.
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Tami Childs
Tami Childs is a psychologist, autism spectrum specialist, and state leader in ASD in Minnesota. She has worked as a school psychologist and spent 12 years directing autism services for over 500 students in the Minneapolis Public Schools, grades K-12. Currently, Childs coordinates the Minnesota Low-Incidence Project for ASD as well as an Evidence Based Practices grant. Her passion is working with educators and parents to improve outcomes for students with ASD and other disabilities.
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Kim Clairy
Kim Clairy is an autistic occupational therapist, international speaker, consultant, author, and self-advocate. Clairy broke through many barriers as she defied a healthcare system that said, "your autism is severe; you need to live in a nursing home." Her difficult healthcare experiences forged a passion for educating others on autism. Using personal experiences and professional expertise Clairy educates on many facets of autism across the lifespan including sensory processing, eating disorders, trauma, mental health, relationships, self-awareness, classroom inclusion, community integration, problem-solving through challenging behaviors, and much more!
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Laura Clarke
Laura Clarke is director of special education for Campbell County Schools in KY. She is the creator of, a site for emerging readers, and has published in Teaching Exceptional Children, Beyond Behavior, Psychology in the Schools, Journal of Teacher Action Research, Teacher Educator Special Educator (TESE) and Preventing School Failure. Her research interests include supporting AAC and assistive technology use, the flipped classroom, universal design for learning, supporting students with disabilities in crises and working with students with moderate to severe disabilities in areas such as incontinence and communication.
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Dennis Cleary
Dennis Cleary is a senior researcher at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. He has over 25 years of experience as an occupational therapist. Cleary's clinical practice has been primarily with children and adults with intellectual disabilities to encourage their full participation in all aspects of life at home, and work, and in the community. As a researcher, he has been on teams that have received over $7 million in grants from state and federal agencies, including an NIH multisite trial of the Vocational Fit Assessment, an age-appropriate transition assessment and job matching tool, which he co-created. He has numerous publications and national and international presentations.
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Daniel Cochrane
Dan Cochrane, MA, MS, ATP, is a clinical instructor for the AT Certificate Program and a PhD candidate in the disability studies program, both at the University of Illinois at Chicago, where he teaches graduate-level courses on assistive practice in the K12 school setting to professional students. Cochrane has twenty years of experience as a special educator and assistive technology specialist in an Illinois K12 public school district, including thirteen years as a districtwide AT coordinator. He has presented at ATIA, Closing the Gap, and RESNA conferences. Cochrane has served RESNA on the Board of Directors and as chair of the Professional Standards Board.
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Bobbi Colatruglio
Bobbi Colatruglio is a speech language pathologist/educational consultant at her private practice Ohio Language and Literacy. She has worked with students with hearing loss for 15 years at the Ohio School for the Deaf and Statewide Services/Outreach, Nationwide Children's Hospital, and private practice. She's trained in Orton Gillingham and Cued Speech with focus on literacy development. She provides student evaluations, educational consultations, and training/support for staff. She is fluent in ASL. She serves on the continuing education board for Deaf Education Ohio. She is passionate about ensuring language access and maximizing potential for students that are Deaf/hard of hearing.
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Misty Cole
Misty Cole, MSW, LSW serves as the infant and early childhood mental health administrator at the Ohio Department of Children and Youth. Cole joined ODMHAS in March 2023 after decades in the field of early childhood mental health consultation. For the past ten years, she has worked as one of Ohio's IECMH master trainers, training thousands of professionals on the values of social emotional development for young children and their families. Cole's educational background includes a focus on early childhood education, psychology, and social work. Cole identifies as a champion for children, families, and early learning professionals around the state of Ohio.
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Heather Coleman
Heather Coleman, PhD, worked as an educator before pursuing a doctoral degree. She taught in an autism specific classroom, which confirmed her passion for early childhood autism. Coleman completed the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities program where she served as an autism fellow. She was trained as an Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) assessor and is research reliable. Coleman's research focuses on young children with autism. She is interested in communication interventions, parent coaching, and personnel preparation. She currently teaches classes related to infant and toddler development and is interested in early and appropriate autism diagnosis.
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Dusty Columbia Embury
Dusty Columbia Embury is a former classroom special educator, university teacher educator, and parent of children with disabilities. She has published articles on inclusion and access in Teaching Exceptional Children, Teacher Education and Special Education, Educational Action Research, and the International Journal of Special Education. She also serves as an editor for the journal Educational Action Research.
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Lisa Comes
Lisa Comes has been the SSA advisor for the Ohio Association of County Boards since January of 2020. She has 24 years experience at the Lucas County Board of DD in various positions including eligibility specialist and SSA. Comes enjoys being the mother of four children who are all unique in their own way. Her son is 24-years-old and has Prader Willi Syndrome. Her passion for the field of disabilities started long before she had children and has intensified throughout her parenting experience. As a board member on the Prader Willi Syndrome Association of Ohio for the past 12 years, she has supported people across Ohio with disabilities.
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Devin Conklin
Devin Conklin is a clinical behavior specialist with the Ohio State University Nisonger Center. She has a bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University in psychology and a master's degree from Northern Illinios University in public health. Conklin discovered her passion for helping others when she began working as a direct support professional in 2009. She has worked with children, adolescents and adults as a care coordinator, inclusion instructor, instructional assistant and now clinical behavior specialist. Conklin has worked on several training projects at OSU to help provide education to healthcare professionals on caring for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Traci Conkling
Traci Conkling is a graduate of Baldwin Wallace University and Kent State University and holds an Independent Clinical Counseling License. Prior to coming to Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD), Conkling was the clinical director of Pathways, Inc. She held various leadership and management positions over her career. Conkling is the NE area manager at OOD, where she oversees the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. Currently, she serves Cuyahoga, Lake, Geauga, Portage, Summit, Medina, and Ashtabula Counties. Since its inception 8 years ago, she has been part of the Cuyahoga County Transition Collaborative (CCTC), which has just completed its first year as an official MAP Cohort.
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DeeAnna Conley-Stemple
DeeAnna D. Conley-Stemple, OTD-PP, OTR/L is a school-based OTP who graduated from Shenandoah University with her master of science in occupational therapy in 2000 and her post-professional doctorate in 2023. Her evidence-based capstone project was A Transdisciplinary Approach to the Occupational Therapist and Speech-Language Pathologist Collaboration which is currently being reviewed for publication. Conley-Stemple has acted as a mentor and resource to new therapists and professionals in the school setting as well as supervised OT fieldwork experiences. She hopes to pursue additional research opportunities to further the field of occupational therapy.
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Lora Conrad
Lora Eaton Conrad has been an intervention specialist for the past 14 years in a variety of settings, but her passion continues to be working with students with emotional and behavior needs. Conrad developed a small-group setting/resource room specifically for students with mental health challenges. Students in this classroom were able to be successful both in the small-group/resource room setting and in the inclusion setting. She has developed classroom routines and strategies that help these students become more independent and more self-aware.
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Joanie Cooksey
Joanie Cooksey has worked with families of children with disabilities for 29 years in both the private and public sector. She has a master's degree in counseling psychology from the University of North Texas and worked as a licensed professional counselor for many of these years. She is currently the director for the Texas Blind Children's Vocational Discovery and Development Program. She previously ran the Texas Children's Autism Program and was part of the Texas Autism Council as the early childhood intervention program representative. She was a provider for Texas Early Childhood Intervention and also worked at the state agency.
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Heidi Cooley-Cook
Heidi Cooley-Cook, MEd, brings two decades of experience working with individuals with disabilities and their families in a variety of roles, including direct support, job coach, case manager, behavior interventionist, and advocate. In her current role as the assistant director at the Kentucky Autism Training Center, Cooley-Cook supports the Center's work with autistics, families, first responders, and service providers. She has a master's in counseling psychology from the University of Louisville.
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Shari Cooper
Shari Cooper is the "blogger-in-chief" in her position as public relations assistant for Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley. (Check out her blog at Cooper graduated from Sinclair Community College with an associate degree in disability intervention services. She's also a columnist for the Dayton Daily News Editorial pages, and an award-winning speaker. In 2019, she served as the official emcee for DD Statehouse Advocacy Day, introducing advocates as well as the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, the director of the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities and other speakers.
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Karena Cooper-Duffy
Karena Cooper-Duffy is a professor of special education at Western Carolina University. For 26 years, she has specialized in teaching students with autism, significant intellectual disabilities, and multiple disabilities. Her research and publications include preparing professionals to teach students with significant intellectual disabilities functional, academic, and community-based skills. Her research has a strong focus on building teams and interprofessional collaboration with families and professionals. She presents her work at local, national, and international conferences. She supported staff who educate students with severe disabilities in Jamaica, London, and Botswana.
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Alex Corwin
Alex Corwin, M.A., is the program director at OCALI's Lifespan Transitions Center. Corwin has been a professional in the developmental disability field as a job coach, adult day services manager, service and support administrator (SSA), SSA supervisor, and previously oversaw the Ohio Transition Support Partnership for Ohio's Department of Education and Workforce. He continues to promote multi-agency planning to help youth with disabilities fulfill their potential and reach their adult life goals.
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Hillary Crow
Hillary Crow, MA, CCC-SLP, is owner and CEO of Crow Autism and Speech Therapy Consulting Services, Inc. Crow has served as a speech-language therapist for over a decade in the public school, interdisciplinary clinic, private practice, and university settings. She currently practices as a pediatric speech-language therapist and supervisor, and provides consulting and professional development services. Diagnosed as autistic later in life, Crow provides education about autism through a neurodiversity-affirming lens by presenting at the state and national levels and collaborating with neurodivergent peers to conduct research and publish articles.
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Teresa Crowson
Teresa Crowson, MAEd., BCBA, LBA, OTR/L has worked in the field of education for 29 years in roles of OT, AT provider, behavior and autism support coach, and training and technical assistance specialist. She is currently an online professional development specialist at OCALI's Autism Center. Crowson received her BSOT from East Carolina University, MAEd. in educational leadership from Touro University, and her graduate certificate in ABA from Old Dominion University. Crowson is committed to helping individuals with disabilities, and those who support them, in all areas of life and is motivated by the power of presuming competence.
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Dwight Crum
Dwight Crum is Deputy Director of InnovateOhio, under the leadership of Lt. Gov. Jon Husted. InnovateOhio's mission is to use technology to improve the way we serve our customers, the people of Ohio. Its work includes modernizing Ohio's BMV and advancing initiatives to help prepare students for success in an AI world. Crum has worked at Ohio's Statehouse for more than 25 years.
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Robin Cunconan Lahr
Robin Cunconan Lahr is attorney and founder of Innovating for Justice, LLC, providing legal advocacy in special education and disability rights on behalf of children and adults with disabilities and their families. She provides representation on a diversity of issues, such as the rights of students with disabilities to be included and educated in general education settings. Lahr also teaches in higher education preparing the next generation of teachers to successfully educate all students. Lahr emphasizes the role of collaboration, the UDL framework, and honoring learner and family voice as key to equitable and successful inclusive education for all.
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Amy D'Amico
Amy D'Amico is a speech-language pathologist at Montgomery County Educational Service Center in Dayton, Ohio. She provides speech and language services to students with multiple disabilities in a separate facility for students with complex needs. She does AAC evaluations and makes recommendations for augmentative communication devices. D'Amico is part of the district and building leadership teams for Montgomery County ESC, where she collaborates with administrators on building and district level issues. She also collaborates with intervention specialists, related service providers, as well as paraprofessionals assigned to students who use alternative augmentative communication systems.
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Stephen Dackin
Stephen D. Dackin has experience in state education policy, instructional leadership, postsecondary education, and workforce readiness. Prior to being appointed as director of the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce by Ohio Governor Mike DeWine, Dackin served in roles ranging from classroom educator, school and district leader, at the former Ohio Department of Education, the State Board of Education, and in higher education. Dackin understands the challenges and opportunities young people face in navigating the educational and workforce systems. He elevates the role partnerships play in achieving statewide goals, and is a member of several education, community, and workforce boards.
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Mary Katherine Dally
Mary Katherine Dally, M.S., CCC-SLP, ATP, has served as the SLP on an ALS clinic focusing AAC evaluations, voice banking and no-tech/low tech communication. She then worked as a solutions consultant for a communication device company, traveling the west side of Ohio. Currently, Dally works as an assistive technology consultant through an educational service center and works in a preschool program as a speech-language pathologist. She presents at local and national conferences and has a passion for accessible play.
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Susan Daniels
Susan Daniels serves as the national autism coordinator for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, a role created by Congress to facilitate coordination and implementation of autism activities across federal departments and agencies. She is the director of the Office of National Autism Coordination at the National Institute of Mental Health and also executive secretary of the Interagency Autism Coordinating Committee, a federal advisory committee created by Congress to coordinate federal activities and provide advice to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on issues related to autism. She received her PhD in molecular and cell biology from Brandeis University.
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Catherine Dart
Catherine Dart holds a master's degree in special education from the University of Cincinnati. She has had many roles within the special education field, and some of these roles include intervention specialist, behavior support coach, collaborative coaching, and transition coordinator. Between 2016-2023 Dart developed a high school transition program, Collaboration for Education and Employment Synergy (CEES). CEES collaborates with approximately 15 local school districts to offer transition programming to increase students' post-school outcomes in the areas or post-secondary and technical training, paid employment, self-determination skills, and independent living skills.
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Carly Dauch
Carly Dauch, OTD, OTR/L, is a graduate of the University of Toledo. She began her career with the Wood County Board of Developmental Disabilities (WCBDD), where she developed a passion for the use of assistive technology. Dauch led a Remote Support Grant project for the WCBDD, which aims to increase access and use of assistive technology for Ohioans with disabilities. Dauch has presented at OCALICONLINE 2021, TechSummit 2.0, School-Based Practitioner Summit, Ohio Healthcare Association, WAIMH Conference in Edinburgh, OOTA conferences, and the AOTA conference. Her research on the influence of toys on play is published in Infant Behavior and Development.
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Alfred Daviso
Alfred Daviso is a professor of special education at the University of Akron, where he was awarded Outstanding Instructor in 2018. He has collaborated with Akron Public Schools to write and implement two grants focusing on the professional development of career and technical education teachers across the district. These were both part of the Innovative Strategies for Developing the College and Career Readiness for Students with Disabilities program. He is currently the president-elect for DCDT.
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Kimberly Day
Kim Day, MS, OT R/L, BCP, CIMI-2, ECHM offers specialized occupational therapy services and trainings through Sunny Day Therapy. She has board certification in pediatrics (BCP). She is a doctoral student at Boston University and a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University's master's of occupational therapy and autism certificate programs. She is passionate about empowering families through her superhero programs The Zookeepers and SuperMe, SuperYou AnyBody Can Be A SuperBODY. Through using positive characters, words, art, and exercise, she encourages clients to reframe their own stories of healing and problem solve challenges to participate in daily activities.
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Sean De Lorenzo
Sean De Lorenzo is a devoted husband and father of two children, ages 8 and 5. His youngest child has Down syndrome, which has deepened his commitment to advocating for individuals with special needs. De Lorenzo is passionate about promoting inclusion and awareness within the Down syndrome community. Outside of his advocacy work, he enjoys sports, coaching his son's futbol team, and making memories with the family. His personal experiences and interests bring a well-rounded and insightful perspective to the panel discussion.
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Joni Degner
Joni Degner is a trusted voice and recognized leader in UDL implementation. She is a dedicated partner to CAST and the UDL-IRN, presenting at major summits & symposiums. Joni is passionate about literacy, equity, UDL, culturally responsive teaching, MTSS and developmental relationships. As a public educator, UDL consultant, literacy advocate, and full time Texthelper, Joni works with school districts and universities across North America to implement UDL and improve learner outcomes. Joni is known for her high energy presentation style, practical teaching strategies, and knowledge of instructional frameworks.
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Lynn DeMange
Lynn DeMange, OTR/L, CAS, graduated from Shawnee State University and worked for 4 years as an OT in clinical care at The Ohio State University Harding Hospital. In 2006, she transitioned to school-based therapy and worked for 10 years through the OT/PT Department of the Montgomery County Educational Service Center - Regional Center. DeMange currently works for the Montgomery County Educational Service Center on the Autism and Low-Incidence Coaching Team.
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MaryAnn Demchak
MaryAnn Demchak is professor of special education at University of Nevada, Reno, teaching courses in severe disabilities and applied behavior analysis. She directs Nevada's project for children with deafblindness. She also directs Project BASE: Behavior Analysis in Special Education. Demchak frequently consults with schools regarding education for students with significant disabilities. Research interests include systematic instruction of students with disabilities, data-based decision-making, evidence-based practices, and applied behavior analysis in education.
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Michael Demczyk
Michael Demczyk is an education program specialist for gifted services in the Office of Academic Success at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. He provides extensive support to educators and parents and presents frequently on gifted education topics. Prior to joining the department, he was a project coordinator for the University of Dayton School Study Council of Ohio, where he collaborated on a published journal article related to testing accommodations and students with disabilities. Demczyk earned his Ph.D. in political science from Miami University and he taught several courses at Columbus State Community College.
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Katie DeSmith
Katie DeSmith is an inclusion support specialist for Northeast Ohio with the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence. She received her bachelor's degree from The Ohio State University with a specialization in early childhood special education and she also holds a master's degree in special education from The University of Akron. DeSmith has 17 years of classroom experience as an early childhood intervention specialist and preschool teacher.
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Carol Dittoe
Carol Dittoe has over 35 years of experience working as an SLP in both medical and educational settings. Her focus has been on autism, augmentative communication, and assistive technology. She currently serves on an autism and low-incidence coaching team, helping educators in the West Central Ohio region implement evidence-based practices to support their students. Carol is certified as an autism specialist and has presented at both state and national conferences. She has co-authored two books with AAPC Publishing, including the winner of the 2018 Teacher's Choice Award, Show Me! A Teacher's Guide to Video Modeling.
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Korto Dixon
Korto Dixon, M.A., Ed.D, is a doctoral student with the University of Saint Thomas. She is also an early childhood special education teacher, adjunct faculty member, and holds an administrative director of special education license. She received her B.A. in sociology and M.A. in special education from the University of St. Thomas. Korto's interest in the field focus on early childhood special education, autism intervention, and the experiences of caregivers and educators of marginalized communities in special education. She has presented at the Division of Early Childhood's international conference and has co-written an article published in Teaching Exceptional Children.
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Starr Dobush
Starr Dobush is a transition and adult living specialist at OCALI. She has filmed the "Take 5" webcast on OCALI Lifespan Transitions Center's webpage covering essential topics for transition into adulthood. Content can be used when planning for post-school goals in independent living and competitive employment. Dobush has received a master's in special education with an emphasis in transition to work and is licensed as an intervention specialist mild/moderate K-12. Dobush is also certified through Association of People Supporting Employment First Initiative (APSE) as a certified employment support professional (CESP).
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Peter Doehring
Peter Doehring, PhD, continues to research, publish, and advocate for better policies and programs. After a career leading school-, hospital-, and university-based programs for people with ASD, his focus broadened to children and parents facing the most significant levels of disability when his daughter Margot was born in 2000 with I/DD and other related conditions. His work now includes helping people with disabilities enjoy the outdoors through work and recreation, and he is active in local and state advocacy.
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Claire Donehower
Claire Donehower is an associate professor in the department of learning sciences at Georgia State University. She received her doctorate from the University of Central Florida in the exceptional education program. Her research focuses on improving academic, social and behavioral outcomes for students with autism spectrum disorders using innovative technology. She received a B.A degree in psychology from Boston College and an M.S. degree in special education of severe and profound disabilities from the Johns Hopkins University. Additionally, Donehower is a board certified behavior analyst.
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Anne Donnelly
Anne Donnelly is the Lead Educational Interpreter for Hamilton County ESC and teaches the educational interpreting course at Cincinnati State. She serves as the National Association of Interpreters in Education (NAIE) credentialing director. Her formal education was in speech and hearing sciences; and interpreting applied sciences. Donnelly combines these experiences when presenting on rising educational interpreting standards to improve deaf student educational outcomes. She is a licensed interpreter through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and her EIPA score is a 4.6 with an EIPA Knowledge Test certificate.
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Rachel Dorsey
Rachel Dorsey, M.S., CCC-SLP (she/her) is an autistic speech-language pathologist with experience in early intervention, the public schools, and private practice. She is the owner of Rachel Dorsey: Autistic SLP, LLC, where she provides therapeutic services to autistic clients of all ages. Dorsey has presented educationally and professionally on the topics of language development, cognitive flexibility, and socioemotional support for the autistic population throughout the United States and internationally.
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Sarah Douglas
Sarah N. Douglas, PhD, is an associate professor at Michigan State University. She started her career as a special education teacher for children with disabilities and continued to academia, obtaining a degree in special education from Penn State University. Her research focuses on communication partner interventions, paraeducators, and technologies to support social skill development for children with disabilities. Within her work, Douglas explores how to best utilize, supervise, and train paraeducators. She has approximately 20 publications related to paraeducators, with more research underway.
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Darcy Douglass
Darcy Douglass is an undergraduate communicative disorders student at Northern Illinois University. She earned her bachelor's degree in May 2024. She attends graduate school at Northern Illinois University to pursue her master's degree in speech-language pathology. She has presented at previous presentations at Northern Illinois University, including the College of Education Symposium and CURE.
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Jodi Dowell
Jodi Dowell joined the Ohio Center for Deafblind Education in July of 2022 as a research associate for low incidence disabilities. She is a former TESOL instructor and teacher of the blind/visually impaired. Dowell serves as an adjunct for the University of Rio Grande for the TVI Consortium, a program developed as part of the Low Incidence Sensory Disability (LISD) Collaborative of the Ohio Deans Compact. In her role at OCDBE, Dowell supports a variety of activities in the LISD focus areas and related projects.
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Kathryn Doyle
Kathryn Doyle is a special education faculty member at the University of Cincinnati. Doyle is a board certified behavior analyst and a licensed intervention specialist. Subsequent to her roles in higher education, she taught in the public-school system for 12 years and worked in the adult developmental disability system for 3 years. She has worked in center-based services, home-based services, and in the community with individuals with disabilities across the lifespan. Her research interests include developing academic and social communication interventions for individuals with significant disabilities, as well as teacher and paraprofessional training.
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Kelly Draggoo
Kelly Draggoo is a social security public affairs specialist for central/southern Ohio and southern Indiana, which is part of social security's Chicago region. She acts as social security spokesmen, media liaison, and public educator. Draggoo joined SSA in 2009 as a claims representative processing disability, retirement and Medicare claims. She received her bachelor's degree from the University of Cincinnati and is a native of Cincinnati, OH.
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Rebekah Dyer
Dr. Rebekah Dyer, a full professor at Grand Canyon University in Phoenix, AZ, is an esteemed educator and advocate for individuals with disabilities. As the branch council executive committee chair for the International Dyslexia Association, she is deeply committed to fostering inclusion across all settings. With a research focus on autism spectrum disorder, Dyer has presented internationally and published multiple articles, elevating discussions on special education, dyslexia, differentiated instruction, and disability ministry. Her teaching strengths lie in building relationships, effective communication, and engaging classrooms.
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Alexis Eggenberger
Alexis Eggenberger, MBA, MSSA, LISW-S, BCBA, is the director of autism services at a Northwest Ohio non-profit. Working in the disability field for over 15 years, Eggenberger has had experiences with diagnostics, community programming, residential treatment facilities, ABA clinics, and has developed several programs for hospitals and businesses. Eggenberger has presented at professional conferences, lectured at universities, and consulted with several businesses on autism-inclusive practices. Along with being an expert clinician, Eggenberger is also the parent of three children, two of whom have autism.
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Jeanne Ehmke
Jeanne Ehmke is a work incentives consultant with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, where she has been employed in various positions over the past 27 years. Her current work centers around educating individuals with disabilities and their families about the intersection of employment and public benefits. She enjoys illustrating the positive financial impact of employment and supporting individuals in reaching their goals.
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Mara Elam
Mara Elam is an elementary school counselor at Morgan Elementary School. She graduated from Miami University with an undergraduate degree in early childhood education and began her career as a kindergarten teacher. She attended Northern Kentucky University to receive her master's in school counseling. She has served as a school counselor in elementary, middle, and high schools and had experience in urban, rural, and suburban settings working with diverse populations. Her passions include trauma-informed care, PBIS, PAX Good Behavior Game, and yoga and mindfulness. Elam received her yoga certification and has utilized different aspects of mindfulness and yoga with students and staff.
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Heba Elsayed
Heba Elsayed, MD, is an associate research scientist at the center of Autism Research at Kessler Foundation. A phoniatrician with more than 12 years of clinical experience in the diagnosis and management of communication disorders, particularly ASD. Her research is currently focused on social communication challenges in youth with ASD, particularly in employment settings. This research aims to help in improving employment outcomes in the ASD population through identifying their challenges and developing interventions to overcome these challenges. Elsayed has presented at several national conferences and contributed to several articles.
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Ann England
Ann England, M.A., CCC-SLP, is the co-coordinator of the CAPTAIN and a leader of NANSI. She was the project coordinator of a grant that was part of CA's system of support to build capacity to implement EBPs for autism. Previously, England was the assistant director of the Diagnostic Center, Northern CA, CA Department of Education and had an extensive career in providing technical assistance to school districts, county offices of education as well as state, national, international professional organizations. England was awarded Outstanding Achievement from the CA Speech Language Hearing Association for her career efforts to support students with disabilities, especially those with autism.
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Amanda Everitt
Amanda Everitt is the executive director for Destination Downtown Lancaster. As a passionate advocate for her community, people-centric urban planning and civic pride, Everitt has led Destination Downtown Lancaster and the Special Improvement District for more than six years. She is currently serving on the Fairfield County Regional Planning Commission, and the boards of Lancaster Friends of the Parks, Keller Market House, and Equality Ohio, where she has served as board chair for the last 3 years. When she isn't steeped in economic development and social justice, she spends time with her two delightfully mischievous cats, two spoiled dogs, her husband Bryan, and their five adult children.
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Erin Farrell
Erin Fitzgerald Farrell, Ed.D., BCBA, is an adjunct professor at the University of St. Thomas. Farrell holds a teaching license in autism spectrum disorders, and is a board certified behavior analyst with many years of experience working with students of all ages in clinical and educational settings.
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Kristin Fazio
Kristin M. Fazio, Ed.S is the current director of SST2. Prior to her role at the State Support Team, she served as the director of Student Services and Wellness Initiatives at Summit Educational Service Center. Her responsibilities included oversight of a countywide preschool consortium and K-12 autism program, which she helped to grow and expand during its inaugural year. Fazio is a school psychologist by trade, who has always upheld a vested interest in supporting the whole child through the implementation of multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) to meet the unique needs of all students.
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Jacquelyn Fede
Jacquelyn Fede, PhD, is a super fun, autistic self-advocate and developmental psychologist.
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Corey Ferguson
Corey Ferguson works at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities focusing on educating, engaging, and empowering Ohio families. His experience includes supporting people with IDD and their families via multiple programs and initiatives implemented to support them in pursuing their best lives. He received his master of health administration- health services management and policy at The Ohio State University. While at OSU, he pursued a graduate minor in public policy and management at the John Glenn School of Public Affairs, and participated as a LEND trainee within the Nisonger Center. Ferguson is the proud dad of 3 children with various medical diagnoses.
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Chris Filler
Chris Filler is a team member of the Multi-System Navigation Center at OCALI and is coordinating a project to support school staff serving youth that reside in ICFs. Filler is a registered nurse and has worked with individuals/families with ASD and developmental disabilities for over 35 years in roles that include program director of the OCALI Lifespan Transitions Center, Co-Manager of the Multisystem Navigation Center, early intervention service coordinator, family resource specialist, and autism/behavior consultant. Her current efforts focus on improving support for multi-system youth with dual diagnoses of developmental disabilities and mental health challenges and their families.
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Augusta Fisher
Augusta Fisher works in OCALI's AT and AEM Center.
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Larry Fisher
Larry B. Fisher is an assistant professor at Western Carolina University. He has 19 years of experience working with individuals with moderate to extensive support needs in the classroom and group home settings. DFisher received a B.S.Ed. and M.A.Ed. degrees in special education, a post-master's school administration certificate, and his Ph.D. in special education. Fisher's research interests include antecedent-based interventions for addressing challenging behaviors, teaching communication skills to students with complex communication needs, teacher evaluation tools for teachers of students with significant disabilities, and single-case design methodology.
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Caroline Fitchett
Dr. Caroline Fitchett is an Assistant Professor of Special Education at California State University San Bernardino.
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Megan Flowers
Megan Flowers is an education program specialist at the Office for Exceptional Children, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Flowers is a K-12 mod-intensive special education intervention specialist (reading endorsement) and preK-6 principal. She holds a master's degree in educational leadership from University of Cincinnati and studied at The Ohio State University. Her experience includes working with students that have orthopedic impairments, low incidence disabilities, are medically fragile and have complex communication needs. She serves on the diverse learner team as the low incidence and sensory disabilities consultant.
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Kim Floyd
Kim Floyd received her PhD from Old Dominion University in special education with an emphasis in early childhood education. She joined the special education department at West Virginia University after teaching at East Carolina since 1992. She has been a member of the American Council on Rural Special Education (ACRES) since joining the faculty at WVU, and in 2015 became the co-coordinator for ACRES headquarters. Her main lines of inquiry are assistive technology, early childhood inclusive practices, rural education, teacher preparation, and trauma informed practices. Her publications are focused on both independent research and practitioners.
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Jessica Folsom
Jessica Folsom is a program administrator at Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) who is assigned to transition youth and pre-employment transition services. She has worked in various positions at OOD for over ten years and was previously a rehabilitation program specialist and vocational rehabilitation counselor. Prior to working at OOD, she held positions in the field of vocational rehabilitation and worked specifically with injured workers and veterans. She currently maintains her certified rehabilitation counselor certification through the Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification and Work Incentives Practitioner certification through Cornell University.
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Kelly Fonner
Kelly Fonner, MS, is a self-employed consultant and trainer in assistive and educational technology. Since 1986, she has presented to schools, universities, and families across the US and internationally in Australia, Canada, and South Africa. She presents on a wide range of topics including technology integration, augmentative communication, computer access, literacy, electronic writing, organizers, assistive technology assessment, and implementation strategies. Her website is
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Aubry Fowler
Aubry Fowler is the 4-H youth development educator for Ohio State University Extension in Fairfield County. She is the camp director for four separate camps held within the county. Youth ages 5-14 are invited to attend camp every summer and teens ages 15-18 are trained to serve as camp counselors. She works to make youth development more inclusive to all members who want to participate. She is passionate about helping youth develop new skills through hands on education and creating life-long memories while at 4-H Camp!
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Maggie Freeman
Maggie Freeman received her PsyD in clinical psychology and an interdisciplinary autism certificate from Eastern Kentucky University in 2020. Her clinical interests include working with children and adolescents with a wide range of emotional and behavioral challenges and developmental differences. Her research has focused on topics such as intervention planning, interprofessional leadership, and assessment of autism spectrum disorders. In addition to her training as a psychologist, she earned her BCBA credential in 2023.
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Kade Friedman
Kade Friedman is a white, non-binary, neurodivergent New York-based educator with 20 years of experience teaching pre-K through higher ed. They work with educators to uncover their biases so they can co-create equitable and inclusive learning communities with their students.Kade is the Director of Education at PINE, an adjunct professor at NYU, and a consultant at Understood. Their work is rooted in disability justice, abolitionist pedagogy, trans-inclusive pedagogy, culturally sustaining pedagogy, and universal design for learning. Kade has a dual Masters in general and special education from Bank Street College.
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Cynthia Frye
Cynthia Frye is an assistant professor at Lourdes University in Sylvania, Ohio. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in special education. Her research foci are twice exceptionality and teacher preparation. Additionally, she serves as secretary for the Ohio Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders and as treasurer for the Lucas County Guardianship Services Board.
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Taylor Fustin
Taylor Fustin is a senior data analytics specialist in the Office of Accountability at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. He joined the department in 2019 after completing a master's degree in public administration. Prior to that he worked as a history and English as a second language teacher for about six years.
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Caroline Gaddy
Caroline Gaddy, MFA, MA, CCC-SLP (they/she) is a speech-language pathologist, AAC specialist, disability advocate, neurodiversity educator, and parent based in Virginia. They have presented on AAC and neurodiversity-affirming practices at state and national conferences. They have experience in the medical, private practice, and school settings with adult and pediatric populations. Gaddy is passionate about disability justice and inclusion, and firmly believes that communication is a fundamental human right.
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Nicholas Gage
Nicholas Gage, PhD, is an associate professor of special education at the University of Florida. He received his PhD in special education from the University of Missouri and was an Institute of Education Sciences post-doctoral fellow in the Center for Behavioral Education and Research at the University of Connecticut. His research interests include identification of policies and practices at the national, state, local and classroom level to support academic, social, and behavioral needs of students with disabilities. His expertise is in supporting schools, districts, and states in leveraging their data resources to best develop systems of support for students' academic and behavioral needs.
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Angelica Gagliardi
Angelica Gagliardi, MEd, provides outreach services specifically for the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community for The Outreach Center for Deafness and Blindness at OCALI. She was a teacher of the deaf for ten years, serving students in residential programs, day school programs, and mainstream programs throughout her career. Gagliardi has a passion for literacy, which was the focus of her graduate degree, and is a master teacher for the Fairview Learning Program. She works as adjunct faculty at Kent State University helping our soon-to-be educators develop high expectations for DHH students by using research-based strategies to provide full access to grade-level standards.
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Darenda Geer
Darenda Geer holds an MBA, Work Incentive and Transitioning Youth Practitioner certifications as well as Medicare counselor certification. Retired from The Boeing Co. after 37 years she began working for Fairfield County Board of DD as a senior benefits analyst. She has provided over 1800 Work Incentive Plans to individuals throughout the state of Ohio as well as presenting seminars/educational training relating to disability benefits. Recently retired from FCBDD, Geer started her own business, Disability Benefits Support providing services to all 88 counties through Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities and several Board of DD contracts within the state.
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Helen Genova
Helen Genova, PhD, is the associate director of the Center for Autism Research at Kessler Foundation and has strong experience in research on autistic youth. Her research has focused on studying the social functioning of youth with autism within the context of the job interview as well as the variable employment outcomes in this population. She has developed variable strengths-based interventions that help youth with ASD in identifying and expressing their strengths across variable employment related contexts. Genova has presented at state, national, and international conferences, contributed to several articles and book chapters.
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Barb Gentille Green
Barb Gentille Green is a professional learning facilitator and coach, and the director of student services and accessibility for Bexley City Schools. She recently co-authored the book Designing for Inclusion, UDL as a Catalyst for the IEP Process, published by CAST. Through collaboration and coaching, Green focuses on improving outcomes for all learners, especially those who are eligible for special education services. The most common PD and coaching topics she provides are UDL, multi-tiered systems of support and inclusive practices. Her 40 years of school experience include the roles of OT, intervention specialist, director of student services, and director of teaching and learning.
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Gail Ghere
Gail Ghere, Ph.D. is a research associate at the TIES Center and National Center on Educational Outcomes at the University of Minnesota. She focuses on improving access to general education for students with disabilities, including those with extensive support needs, particularly in the areas special education and general education collaborative planning and instruction, sustainable system change, and inclusive MTSS. She works at the national, state and local levels. During her career, she was a related service provider and special education administrator working in urban, suburban and rural school districts.
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Michael Giangreco
Michael F. Giangreco, PhD, is a University Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Special Education at the University of Vermont where he is affiliated with the Center on Disability and Community Inclusion. His work focuses on various aspects of educating students with developmental disabilities in inclusion-oriented schools and classrooms. He is the author of numerous professional publications as well as a free digital archive of cartoons related to disability and special education, "Absurdities and Realities of Special Education" at the University of Vermont Libraries Center on Digital Initiatives.
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Taylor Gibbons
Taylor Gibbons has a bachelor's in intervention specialist education from Walsh University North Canton, and a master's in curriculum and teaching with an educational technology endorsement from Bowling Green State University. Currently, Gibbons is a 5th grade intervention specialist at North Ridgeville City Schools, and is a Council for Exceptional Children-Ohio unit mentoring and membership committee chair.
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Angie Gibbs
Angie Gibbs, Ph.D., is the project lead of the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services - Ohio Department of Education's early childhood mental health consultation to State Support Team Expansion Project. Gibbs began her career in the classroom, teaching preschool and kindergarten. Moving to the university setting, Gibbs worked with pre-service early childhood educators in Ohio. She returned to the public sector as lead early learning and school readiness consultant to State Support Team 16 in southeast Ohio, ultimately transitioning to the role of director. In early 2021, Gibbs left this position to lead the expansion of ECMHC to SST Expansion Project.
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Ashley Girt
Ashley Girt, a school improvement consultant for SST Region 4, earned her M.S. in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis on literacy through Grand Canyon University, in addition to her B.A. in early childhood education from Kent State University. She also holds a certificate in educational leadership with principal's licensure from Salem University. Girt has held the titles of assistant principal, literacy coach, elementary classroom teacher and Title I tutor, and has been an active member of many district teams. Girt's educational interests include structured literacy, MTSS, positive behavior interventions and trauma-informed care, and researching evidence-based best practices.
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Kate Gladstone
Kate Gladstone, MLS, is a self-advocate and internationally-respected specialist in handwriting instruction and remediation. Her professional and advocacy work includes publication in the Autism Advocate, the Autism Spectrum News, and the blog-site of the Autism Society of America. Her handwriting intervention materials include published courseware, journal publication, the cursive comprehension guide Read Cursive Fast (National Autism Resources, 2021). She is currently compiling her entire handwriting instruction methodology for series publication.
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Maggie Gons
Maggie Gons, MA, CCC-SLP, is the early childhood professional development manager in OCALI's Center for the Young Child. She coordinates, trains, and provides technical assistance for several initiatives: Autism Diagnostic Education Project (ADEP), PLAY Project in Ohio, and Pivotal Response Treatment (PRT) for Ohio early intervention professionals. She continues to practice as a speech-language pathologist and certified PLAY Project consultant and supervisor. Maggie is a 2020 graduate of ASHA's Leadership Development Program and has presented locally, statewide, and nationally.
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Jennifer Govender
Jennifer Govender, MEd, is an AEM Specialist for the AT&AEM Center. Throughout her education career, she has worked as an early intervention specialist, assistive technology specialist, and a teacher for students with visual impairments. These experiences have aided her in becoming a well-rounded and compassionate individual, who takes each student's unique goals, needs, and interests into account to allow them to be successful in the educational setting.
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Jessie Green
Jessie Green, Ph.D. is a research assistant professor and the LEND special education faculty member at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. She oversees four community programs serving youth and adults with autism and intellectual disability (ID) to access their communities and postsecondary education. Green has research interests in community integrated employment, transition age youth, inclusive postsecondary education, and social integration. She brings leadership to both the Ohio Statewide Consortia and the Great Lakes Inclusive Postsecondary Alliance, supporting inclusive postsecondary education for students with ID.
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Barry Grossman
Barry G. Grossman, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and author. He specializes in counseling and assessment for individuals on the spectrum and has an emphasis on working with females on the spectrum. Grossman has authored books, textbook chapters, and journal articles. Grossman, along with his co-author, Dr. Ruth Aspy, wrote The Ziggurat Model, which earned the Literary Achievement Award from the Autism Society, and is being used successfully throughout the United States and internationally. Grossman serves on the Autism Society of America's panel of professional advisors.
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Wendy Grove
Dr. Wendy Grove is the incoming Senior Advisor for Research, Evaluation, and Impact. As an advocate for young children, she works to increase knowledge about the importance of early experiences for all children, creating resources for early childhood professionals, and ensuring the ethical and responsible use of data for informing policy. Grove has taught preschool students, middle school students in special education, undergraduate, and medical students; as well as presented and published papers for national audiences.
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Deborah Hammer
Deborah Hammer is an autism specialist and low incidence specialist in Arlington, VA Public Schools, where she provides training and support to school staff, parents, and students. As co-chair of the Northern Virginia Transition Coalition, she helps organize Future Quest, a regional college and career fair for students with disabilities. She also serves as chair of the Fairfax Area Disability Services Board and is the founder of a social club for young adults with autism and related disabilities, Cool Aspies.
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Rachel Hand
Rachel Hand works in the Office of School and District Improvement at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
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John Hans
Jack Hans has over 15 years of experience working with students of all ages and abilities as an ABA therapist, teacher and supervisor. He currently works as an intervention specialist, focusing on working with students who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, with an emphasis on including students with disabilities throughout the school environment. Additionally, he works as an educational consultant for special education curriculum traveling the country working with teachers and staff on providing better outcomes for students with disabilities. He earned a master of education degree from Cleveland State University.
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Megan Havens
Megan Havens, M.Ed., is director of curriculum and instruction at St. Rita School for the Deaf. With 17 years of experience in Deaf education, she has served as a teacher of the Deaf, school administrator, and college instructor. In her current role, she leads the implementation of educational programs tailored to the unique needs of diverse learners.
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Lyndsay Havey
Lyndsay Havey is an education program specialist at the Ohio Department of Education in the Office for Exceptional Children. Havey previously worked as a legal guardian representative for adults with developmental disabilities and then as an intervention specialist in the Cincinnati area. She currently works collaboratively with urban districts across Ohio as a member of the Urban Support Team. Additionally, Havey supports the Ohio Parent Mentor program and other family engagement work through the Office for Exceptional Children.
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Todd Haydon
Todd Haydon, PhD, LISW, BCBA-D is a professor of special education at the University of Cincinnati. His research interests include effective teaching practices, positive behavior and supports, and trauma informed care for students with disabilities. He has published over 50 research papers and book chapters. Haydon served as an associate editor for the Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions from 2016-2023. He provides mental health counseling to students with disabilities in the schools on a part time basis.
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Sarah Heldmann
Sarah Heldmann, BS, COTA/L, ATP, ACUE is an occupational therapy assistant (OTA) from Toledo, Ohio. Sarah has over 20 years of experience working in the disability community. She works primarily with individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Additionally, she serves as adjunct faculty in the OTA program at Owens Community College and on the state licensure board for occupational therapy. Heldmann feels passionately about encouraging persons with disabilities to dream big and then, achieve those dreams. Heldmann helps folks achieve those dreams through a variety of means including partnerships with local organization and utilizing assistive technologies.
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Abigail Hendricks
Abigail Hendricks graduated from Bowling Green State University with a bachelor's in special education. After living and teaching in Germany and then Kentucky, Hendricks relocated to Ohio and taught special education at North Central School in grades K-6 pull-out and inclusion. She began co-teaching second grade and presented a co-teaching workshop with her special education supervisor at NwOESC. Hendricks earned her master's degree in supervision from Bowling Green State University and finished her principal's license. As the director of student services at Wayne Trace School, she oversees all the special education in the district as well as the developmental preschool.
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Rebecka Henry
Rebecka Henry is a speech and language pathologist on the assessment center team at the California School for the Blind (CSB). She graduated from Emerson College with a master of science in communication sciences and disorders. She worked primarily in Eerly intervention and with school-aged students who are Deaf and hard of hearing before joining the CSB team and dedicating her career to the language and communication needs of students who are blind and visually impaired. Recently, Henry has focused her interests in the area of AAC for students who are blind and visually impaired and have additional disabilities.
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Shawn Henry
Shawn A. Henry is the executive director of OCALI. As such, a major focus of his work is on systems change, advancing statewide capacity to improve outcomes for individuals with ASD. Henry holds leadership roles on national and state advisory boards and interagency workforces involving policymakers, parents, and professionals. He was previously the program director of professional development at the Kentucky Autism Training Center. He also served as an elementary special educator for students with autism. His Comprehensive Autism Planning System (CAPS) has been utilized across the country.
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Nicole Herbert
Nicole Herbert is a coach with State Support Team 1. She serves as a member of the UDL Collaborative at OCALI. Previously, Nicole was a dean and an assistant principal. Nicole holds a master's degree in curriculum and instruction, an administrative license and a K-8 teaching license. Nicole believes all students deserve access to a rigorous and relevant school experience and sees the need for equitable practices across the region. Along with supporting the implementation of UDL, she has developed and delivered Professional Development in the area of evidence-based practices, Collaborative Teams, and the Ohio Improvement Process.
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Stephanie Herlich
Stephanie Herlich, MA, a teacher of students with visual impairments and orientation and mobility specialist for 20+ years, coordinates the Assessment Center at California School for the Blind, is an educational consultant for Exceptional Teaching, and lectures at San Francisco State University. She authored The Mangold Braille Program, Unit 3 UEB (Exceptional Teaching), co-authored Getting to Know You: A Social Skills Curriculum for Students Who Are Visually Impaired and Their Sighted Peers (APH), and was a contributing author of Learning to Listen Listening to Learn, (APH) and ECC Essentials; Teaching the Expanded Core Curriculum to Students with Visual Impairments (APH).
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Tony Hernandez Pumarejo
Tony Hernandez Pumarejo is an bilingual autistic advocate and motivational speaker. Born and raised in Puerto Rico and currently residing in Orlando, Florida, he is the author of the book An Autism Unscripted Life, which talks about the challenges he went through as a person on the autism spectrum and how he was able to overcome those challenges to achieve key goals in his life, such as graduating from university, full-time employment in administration, media personality, working on television with Univision, having his own podcast and much more. Pumarejo works for Autism Speaks in the Autism Response Team.
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Tina Herzberg
Tina Herzberg is a professor and coordinator of the visual impairment program at the University of South Carolina Upstate. Her research focuses on braille literacy, STEM braille codes, STEM learning, assessment of students with visual impairments, tactile graphics, and efficacy of continuing professional development. She is also currently serving as the principal investigator of the federally funded braille training grant, Project INSPIRE: Increasing the STEM Potential of Individuals Who Read Braille. She was previously a general education math and English teacher, a teacher of students with visual impairment, and specialist/team leader for a regional service center in Texas.
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Patricia Hicks
Dr. Patricia Larkins Hicks is founder and CEO, the Outcomes Management Group, LTD, an outcomes-driven management consultant organization. She has successfully led the organization for thirty years, providing services in over 250 organizations and touching 50,000 individuals leveraging her experience in organizational development, evaluation, and training to facilitate organizational change locally, statewide, and nationally. Hicks leads workshops on effective board governance, building diverse boards, and preparing young professionals for board service. Hicks has served on diverse boards, holding both officer and committee chair positions.
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Haley Hintz
Haley Hintz, M.S., is a clinical psychology doctoral student at Eastern Kentucky University and founding member of the Collaborative Assessment of Neurodiversity research lab. Hintz's current research is broadly focused on improving and understanding the utility of common assessment measures on populations of children with ASD. A portion of her clinical work with children with neurodevelopmental differences includes the treatment of trauma and suicidality. Hintz previously worked for the U.S. House of Representatives to advance access to affordable mental health care through policy and continues to engage in legislative, state-based outreach efforts to prevent trauma and suicide.
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Danielle Holztrager
Danielle Holztrager received her bachelors in special education from Northern Illinois University, a dual masters degree in human services and counseling for school and mental health from DePaul University, and graduated with her masters of educational administration as well. She worked as a special educator in various settings, on transition teams in multiple school districts, a therapist working with families in foster care, and was a special education consultant focusing on transition-aged youth. She is currently the director of special education services at the Educational Service Center of Lorain County, overseeing related services, Parent Mentors, and Project Search of Lorain County.
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Jessica Horowitz-Moore
Jessica Horowitz-Moore is the chief of student and academic supports at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
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Britta Hough
Britta Hough, a community life engagement project manager at the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, holds a master's in special education focusing on secondary transition. She's provided training and technical assistance in Northeast Ohio since 2016. Previously, Hough worked as an intervention specialist and service and support administrator at the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities. A Charting the LifeCourse Ambassador since 2021, her aim is to enhance opportunities for individuals in Ohio's developmental disability system to live, work, and thrive in their communities through advanced planning, technology, and integrated supports.
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Kelly Houston
Kelly Houston is a project assistant at the AT&AEM Center at OCALI. She supports the operation of the AT&AEM Center's delivery system of accessible educational materials to Ohio school districts. Houston carries out the annual Federal Quota registration of legally blind students on behalf of OEC, resulting in Federal Quota funds for AEM for Ohio students. She maintains the AT&AEM clearinghouse of braille, digital, and large print textbooks and educational aids for loan to eligible students, and provides technical assistance related to AEM. She also assists with data collection for the AT&AEM Center. Houston has supported the Federal Quota program for 19 years.
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Stephanie Howell
Stephanie Howell has been in education since 2014, and has spoken at conferences around the globe and her most recent achievements are being apart of the team named ISTE's Distinguished District, WOSU Leadership Award, a Google Innovator, and PLSD's Innovative Leader award. Howell is one of the founding members of Global GEG and Gold EDU. She has a masters in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership.
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Bryan Hoynacke
Bryan Hoynacke works in the Office of School and District Improvement at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
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Lynn Hruschak
Dr. Lynn Hruschak currently works for State Support Team, Region 5 as a consultant. She has been a teacher, a principal and a curriculum director for public school districts in Ohio. She earned her doctorate from Kent State University in Education in curriculum and administration. She was the recipient of the Ohio Association of Elementary School Administor's Principal of the Year Award and recognized as Educator of the Year by Ohio's Parent-Teacher Association. It is her belief that every child has the right to learn to read and her desire that Ohio's SPDG MTSS framework will provide the systems-level change necessary so that all children do learn to read.
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Bobby Huffman
Bobby Huffman is an intervention and behavioral specialist at Jones Middle School in the Upper Arlington School District with 20 years of teaching experience. He holds a master's degree in applied behavior analysis from The Ohio State University. During his studies at Ohio State, Huffman's research interests targeted behavioral interventions, leading to publications in the journal Behavior Analysis in Practice. Huffman has presented at various conferences in the Midwest including OCALICON, the OHABA Conference, and the ABAI Conference. In addition, he has received several hours of training in using acceptance and commitment therapy techniques to reduce emotional suffering.
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Kristie Hughes
Kristie Hughes is an educational technologist and Google-certified trainer at Northern Buckeye. She works with many districts in the state of Ohio providing professional development for teachers, this being in person and virtual online training classes. She provides assistance with technology integration in the classroom and coaches teachers with new innovative ideas and practices. In addition, Hughes also works in collaboration to design, manage, and facilitate online courses with the Ohio Learning Community. She has 20 years experience as a trainer with Northern Buckeye, and prior to that she was an elementary teacher for 2 years.
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Stacy Hunsinger
Stacy Hunsinger, MA, has been a member of the State Support Team since its inception in 2007. In that role, she supports district and community school leadership in the Ohio Improvement Process (OIP), positive behavior intervention and support (PBIS), literacy, root cause analysis, and evidence-based practices. Hunsinger currently serves as member of Ohio's MTSS workgroup aligned to the State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG). Prior to her role at the State Support Team, she served as an instructional coach and building leader for over 12 years.
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Genevieve Hurlburt
Genevieve Hurlburt, M.Ed., is a Ph.D. student at the Ohio State University studying special education. Her research interests include promoting communication and social interaction for AAC users and students with significant disabilities and complex communication needs (CCN). Hurlburt has worked as an intervention specialist serving students with significant disabilities in central Ohio. Currently, she works as an interventionist for two research projects that aim to promote meaningful inclusion for students with significant disabilities and improve reading outcomes for students with CCN. She has presented at national conferences and guest lectured for undergraduate courses at Ohio State.
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Deeqaifrah Hussein
Deeqaifrah Hussein, executive director of special education at Minneapolis Public Schools, received her doctorate in educational leadership with focus on autism, her master's degree in special education, and holds licenses in special education and general education. Her dissertation research concentrating on autism and special education is much needed work in the field of special education within diverse communities. She worked with preservice teachers as a mentor at the University of St Thomas through a federal grant from OSEP, and is on the boards of Autism Society of Minnesota, Somali Parents Autism Network, and Senate Autism Council. She is LEND Fellow at the University of Minnesota.
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Brianna Hutchison
Brianna Hutchison, an RBT for the last 5 years, has received her certification from the BACB and continued her education in ABA through Capella University. Hutchison has an associates degree from Belmont College in early childhood education, where she obtained the award of being the top education student. She currently works for Ohio County Schools as a traveling RBT, providing services for students in grade levels pre-K-3rd grade. She previously worked at a 1:1 intensive ABA therapy clinic to students on the autism spectrum. She is certified in CPI and PCM and uses her skills daily to teach students to cope with behavior and learn effectively through adapting their work and environment.
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Richard Ibbotson
Richard Ibbotson has an extensive background in the development and delivery of services to autistic people in Scotland. Originally nurse-trained with a degree in autism studies, he has presented at national and international conferences. As director of Autism Network Scotland, he led the response to key strategic autism priorities across Scotland. In addition, he is chair of a charity supporting self-employment for autistic adults (IWORK4ME) and chair of a UK-wide network of senior autism professionals (CoSPPA). Ibbotson also runs his own autism training, advice and support consultancy and through this works as a director of 'The Autism Network'.
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Connie Jack
Connie Jack has dedicated her career to the fields of developmental disabilities and public health. With a focus on enhancing communication skills and fostering interactions among individuals, her role as an AT specialist involves aiding individuals in identifying innovative solutions to increase independence and achieve life goals. She has presented at many state and local events. Jack holds a BSN from The Ohio State University and an MA in speech language pathology from the University of Akron.
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Karen Jacobs
Karen Jacobs received her doctorate in education from University of Massachusetts; a master of science in occupational therapy from Boston University and bachelor of art from Washington University. She is associate dean of digital learning and innovation, program director of the post-professional doctorate in occupational therapy program and clinical professor at Boston University. She held leadership roles as the president and vice president of AOTA and received awards such as a Fulbright Scholarship. She authored numerous publications and is the founding editor-in-chief of WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation.
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Matt Jameson
J. Matt Jameson is an associate professor in special education at the University of Utah. His primary research interests include instructional strategies and inclusive educational procedures for students with significant cognitive disabilities. He has authored and coauthored articles and book chapters focused on the provision of a free and appropriate public education and highly qualified special education teachers, instructional strategies used to support students with significant cognitive disabilities in inclusive settings, and evaluations of distance education and teacher preparation programs. He is currently the program coordinator for the low incidence disability program.
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Sarah JanTausch
Sarah JanTausch, M.S., is the graduation requirements program administrator in the Office of Graduate Success at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Prior to joining the Office of Graduate Success, she worked in the career development and education sectors.
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Georgia Jewell
Georgia Jewell, OTR/L, is a seasoned occupational therapist with over twenty years of expertise in separate facility school settings. Within MCESC, Georgia actively contributes to various initiatives and teams. Her involvement in the district and building leadership team underscores her commitment to shaping the direction and policies within MCESC. Jewell's contributions extend beyond her immediate workplace. She has shared her expertise with other educational institutions through presentations on topics such as "Self-regulation in the Classroom." Her knowledge on interoception has helped many students learn how to recognize the signs in their body to help them regulate.
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Beverley Johns
Beverley Johns has over 40 years' experience working with students with special needs in Illinois. She was the administrator of a specialized school for students with emotional behavioral disorders and also was a retired professional fellow at MacMurray College. She is the author of 25 books, many of which are about working with students with behavioral issues. She now is a learning and behavior consultant and is the president of the Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois.
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Gabrielle Johnson
Gabrielle Johnson is a Research Administration Management Consultant at the Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE). Dr. Johnson possesses a longtime passion for the pursuit of equity, social justice,and systemic change in education which led her to earn her PhD in Educational Studies, with a focus on School Psychology from The Ohio StateUniversity. She is an Ohio Licensed School Psychologist and leverages her experience in this field as director of the Parent MentorOversight & Professional Development Program, CETE’s leadership of Ohio’s Parent Mentor Project.
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Holly Johnson
Dr. Holly Johnson, is a clinical assistant professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at UNC Charlotte. Her research and teaching interests encompass various aspects of special education, with a focus on multi-tiered interventions, applied behavior analysis, positive behavior interventions and supports, professional development, coaching, and student engagement. She also brings a wealth of expertise in single-case research methodologies, enhancing the understanding and implementation of evidence-based interventions in educational settings.
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George H Johnson Jr.
George H. Johnson Jr is a service and support administrator with the Franklin County Board of Developmental Disabilities where he manages an Adult IO Waiver caseload. He earned a master of arts in history, served over 21 years in the United States Army, and seven post-military years as a defense and security consultant. Johnson currently resides with his wife and their three children, the oldest of whom has a developmental disability. Managing his son's affairs compelled him to get more involved in assisting other individuals and their families to acquire services and supports, and advocate for their rights and interests. His son was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder diagnosis in 2014.
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Suzie Johnson-Smith
Suzie Johnson-Smith of Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, is a dynamic certified coach, leader, facilitator, and public speaker with over 30 years' experience in human services. With an educational background in social work and leadership, Johnson-Smith has been an international Bridges out of Poverty presenter for thousands of teachers, employers, social services organizations, employment agencies, health agencies, leaders, and community volunteers. She is passionate about lifelong learning and provides individual coaching, coach training, and consulting services for individuals and organizations to thrive, using a people-centered strength-based coach approach.
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Kari Jones
Kari Jones is the president and CEO of ElevateDD. ElevateDD's mission is to increase authentic inclusion for people with developmental disabilities by amplifying voices, supporting families, illuminating opportunities, and launching innovative solutions. Under Jones's leadership, she oversees the Down Syndrome Association of Central Ohio, as well as statewide educational programs, Learning Aid Ohio, and Adult Literacy Ohio, that have served thousands of children and adults with developmental disabilities throughout Ohio. Jones also serves as the Public Policy Chair on the Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council.
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Kristin Jones
Kristin Jones is a Neurodivergent occupational therapist and has been practicing for 24 years, the past 14 years at the Community School of Davidson, a K-12 public charter school. She graduated from Misericordia University with her masters of OT and has worked in early intervention, a sensory based outpatient clinic, schools, and as a feeding therapist. Jones is an adjunct faculty member at Misericordia University, is a faculty member with Education Resources Inc., and has developed presentations for the Therapist Neurodiversity Collective. Jones has a passion for listening to autistic lived experiences, neurodiversity, and helping translate this information for teachers in the classroom.
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Tabitha Jones-Wohleber
Tabi Jones-Wohleber has been an AAC-focused SLP throughout her 21 year career. She currently works with families through WV Birth to Three. For 16 years she was a team leader on an assistive technology team in a public school system. Jones-Wohleber is a contributor to PrAACticalAAC blog, and created the widely shared model as a MASTER PAL training series, and was a co-creator of Stepping Into AAC. She has authored chapters on AAC implementations in various texts. Jones-Wohleber has worked with Angelman Syndrome family organizations in multiple countries, and presents on AAC-related topics at local, state, national, and international conferences.
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Brittany Joseph
Brittany Joseph is a lifelong resident of Ohio and is a mother to both Payton and Parker. Payton was diagnosed with autism at age 5. In her role as a tech ambassador, she hopes to bring her experience as a parent to provide a non-judgmental space for families to work with her to collaboratively identify technology strategies and tools to make their lives easier. Professionally, Joseph spent over 10 years at Bowling Green State University as an assistant teaching professor in the School of Counseling and Special Education within the College of Education and Human Development. She now works remotely for The Ohio State University in research.
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Rachel Kallin
Rachel Kallin, EdD, BCBA, is an intervention specialist and board certified behavior analyst. Kallin earned her undergraduate degree from Youngstown State University, her master's and education specialist's degrees in special education from Kent State. She earned her doctorate of special education from Slippery Rock University. Kallin's research interests include peer-mediated intervention and special education leadership. In addition to her role as curriculum director of The Kidslink School, Kallin provides in-home, center, and school-based behavioral and educational consultation for the KidsLink family of services.
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Shana Kaplan
Shana Kaplan, M.S.ED., BCBA, LBA, is a state trainer. She earned a M.S. Ed. at the University of Kansas, and is a board certified behavior analyst and licensed behavior analyst. She served on an assisted dispute resolution team to reduce due process complaints in central California, and has been on planning committees for the Richard Simpson Autism Conference and the Midwest Symposium in Leadership in Behavior Disorders. Kaplan has provided consultation and training at the district, state, provincial, national, and international level for 29 years. She is involved in It's All About You, Border to Border BCBA Supervision, Environmental Communication Training, and Advanced Verbal Behavior.
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Sarah Karmacharya
Sarah Karmacharya holds an M.A in communication sciences and disorders from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.A. in Spanish/B.S. in speech and hearing sciences from the University of Washington. She is a seasoned manager in disability services and excels in project management, staff development, and stakeholder engagement. Her deep understanding of families and children's needs and her experience with individuals with complex disabilities drive her to seek continuous improvements in service delivery. She is a licensed speech-language pathologist in the state of Texas and is currently pursuing an orientation and mobility specialist certification.
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Dave Kearon
Dave Kearon identifies opportunities to connect and align mutual interests to further Rangam's mission of accelerating meaningful employment for all. He seeks to bring together job seekers with disabilities, their support providers, schools and state agencies to help meet the hiring needs of our client companies. Prior to Rangam, Kearon worked for 12 years at Autism Speaks where he developed resources and tools for autistic adults and their caregivers. Kearon is also a member of several nonprofit boards and committees, including at College Steps, Bobby Dodd Institute Bridge Academy, and Level Up: Employment Skills Simulation Lab at the University of Michigan.
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Susan Kelso
Susan Kelso has been involved with the autistic and autism communities for over 30 years. Her passion for the autistic community is the driving force in her life and career. Currently, Kelso is an information and resource specialist serving autistic individuals, their families, and service providers throughout the U.S. She is a content developer, specializing in state-of-the-art instructional materials for autistic young adults and adults, with an emphasis on relationships, health and wellness, and life skills. Kelso is a published author and researcher and has taught at the college and graduate levels, consulted with school districts, and directed a non-public school for autistic children.
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Karyssa Kestranek
Karyssa Kestranek of Westlake, OH, is a motivational speaker and, since 2023, a Good Life Ambassador through the Cuyahoga County Board of DD. She is a TBI survivor. On September 24, 2010, Kestranek was in a motorcycle crash that left her in a coma for a month with a 1% chance to live. She beat the odds and frequently shares her story to help save lives.
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Kelly Key
Kelly Key is the assistive technology coordinator for the Barrington School District (EC-Transition) in Barrington, Illinois. She has worked in the field of special education for over 28 years. Key has been in her current role for 19 years. She has also served as an administrator for 13 years as a special services facilitator and assistant principal. Prior to becoming an administrator, Key taught special education students with multiple needs for 9 years. She has a bachelor's degree in special education, a master's degree in early childhood special education, and a certificate of advanced study in educational leadership as well as an ATACP.
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Susan Key
Susan Key, M.Ed. is a special education specialist for Education Service Center Region 11, supporting assistive technology, complex access needs, and the STAAR alternate 2 assessment. Key has worked with all ages and grades of special education students within the school setting for 15 years. Her role is to support educational staff throughout the assistive technology consideration and implementation process with available resources. Additionally, her focus is on implementing practical classroom strategies and working with educators to support learning and growth.
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Denise Kinder
Denise Kinder, a certified Ohio Children's Initiative CANS Assessor, is dedicated to providing unwavering support to children and adolescents with behavioral health needs. Her role entails meticulously gathering comprehensive information about each child/youth and their family to assess their strengths and needs effectively. The position of director of early intervention is a pivotal leadership role that holds the responsibility for meticulously planning, developing, and directing countywide early intervention supports and services to families with children from birth to age three who have developmental delays and disabilities.
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Berna King
Berna King has been the program manager for the Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired at Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities since October of 2020. Prior to that, she was a vocational rehabilitation supervisor with OOD for 2.5 years. Before becoming a supervisor, she was a vocational rehabilitation counselor with OOD's Bureau of Services for the Visually Impaired for 18 years. King has a master of arts degree in rehabilitation counseling and a master of arts degree in rehabilitation teaching for the visually impaired from Western Michigan University. She holds the credential of Certified Rehabilitation Counselor from C.R.C.C.
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Laura H King
Laura H. King is an associate professor and the director of the Irene Howell Assistive Technology Center at East Carolina University. King's area of focus is universal design for learning and assistive technology. She obtained her PhD and MEd in special education at the University of Central Florida, and her bachelor of science in special education at the University of North Carolina, Pembroke. She was a public school special education teacher prior to joining the faculty at East Carolina University. King has been published in journals such as Teacher Education and Special Education and the Journal of Special Education Technology, Rural Special Education Quarterly, and others.
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Alexis Kirk
Alexis Kirk has worked for the Region 14 State Support Team for the last 11 years. She is an advocate for the whole child through the lens of multi-tiered systems of support. She believes each child can achieve their fullest potential when the right supports are in place as early as possible. Her professional interests include PBIS, social-emotional learning, and early childhood education. She taught diverse learners for 13 years and earned her master teacher designation. She is a parent of a child with autism who has overcome many challenges. Kirk's best days are working alongside professionals coaching them toward their goals and celebrating their successes.
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Adam Klimas
Adam Klimas is currently the assistant director for State Support Team Region 5, serving Ashtabula, Columbiana, Mahoning, and Trumbull counties in northeast Ohio. Prior to joining SST5, Klimas served as an educator in the San Marcos Unified School District in San Marcos, California, and in the Akron Public Schools. His professional experience includes time as an elementary teacher, an instructional coach with a focus on elementary mathematics, and school administration.
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Emily Knapke
Emily Knapke earned her bachelor's of science in education and her master's degree in special education from Wright State University. Knapke is a PLAY and Teaching PLAY consultant, providing services in several Ohio counties. She has experience as an intervention specialist in the classroom setting, as well as an early intervention specialist supporting families in their homes. She has presented PLAY and Teaching PLAY trainings to early intervention teams and school districts throughout Ohio. Knapke is passionate about supporting families and educators to help each child reach their full potential.
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Kristin Knapp-Ines
Kristin Knapp-Ines, a clinical psychologist and behavior analyst, works at Bradley Hospital and teaches at Brown Medical School. With a Ph.D. from the University of Tübingen in Germany, she specializes in therapy and assessments for youth with autism and their families. She has over 25 years of experience in teaching and implementing research-based interventions in homes, schools and communities. During her 15- year tenure at UAlbany, Knapp-Ines developed and led a graduate certificate program to educate community providers and school staff in effective educational and treatment practices for youth with special needs. She serves on the NYS Board for Applied Behavior Analysis.
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Shayla Kopcho
Shayla Kopcho has been working with Deaf and hard of hearing students as a Teacher of the Deaf since her graduation from Kent State University in 2017. After graduation, Kopcho worked as an itinerant teacher in North Eastern Ohio with ages spanning from 3 to 21 years old. After a few years of driving around all of Northern Ohio, she settled down in Central Ohio teaching in a Deaf education program in the mainstream middle school setting. Kopcho has also received her master's degree from University of Kansas in transition programming which she incorporates into her current instruction.
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Colleen Kornish
Colleen Kornish, MEd, is a consultant and coach with State Support Team 9. She assists schools in utilizing the Ohio Improvement Process to meet the needs of each LEA that she serves to improve student outcomes. She is a member of the Ohio UDL Collaborative and works to help teachers remove barriers and provide access for ALL students using the principles of universal design for learning. Kornish is an equity and inclusion advocate, an OLi4 coach, and also helps support community schools in Region 9. Kornish was an elementary principal before becoming a consultant at SST9. She is a mom to two teenagers.
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Alex Kotran
Alex Kotran, CEO of The AI Education Project (aiEDU), founded aiEDU in 2019 after discovering his mother's school district lacked AI courses. Kotran's career began in community organizing, including work on Obama's 2012 campaign. As a presidential appointee at HHS, he managed communications for Open Enrollment and the 2014 Ebola response. A second-generation immigrant from Akron, Ohio, he champions inclusive AI education to increase societal understanding of artificial intelligence. His work spans community organizing, government service, AI ethics, and education, reflecting his commitment to bridging technology and society.
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Angela Krile
Angela Krile, President and CEO of Krile Communications, has nearly 30 ears of experience in helping to develop and implement strategic communications efforts for organizations that range from small, non-profit organizations to large, international corporations. Krile is also the chair of the Ohio Expositions Commission and Ohio State Fair and serves on numerous community boards and committees.
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Heidi Ksiezyk-Skrada
Heidi Ksiezyk-Skrada is a manager of service and support administration with the Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities. She brings 36 years of experience supporting people with developmental disabilities through direct support and service coordination roles. Ksiezyk-Skrada has a bachelors degree in communication disorders from Case Western Reserve University and an masters degree in public administration from American Public University. She has extensive training and experience in person centered planning as well as multi-agency collaboration.
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Jennifer Kurth
Dr. Jennifer Kurth is a professor of special education at the University of Kansas, and affiliated faculty at the University of Kansas Center on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities. Her academic interests include methods implementing inclusive education. Kurth's research also examines how teachers, students, and family's interactions support and constrain learning and socialization in general education classrooms. She also studies how teacher candidates develop their dispositions and skills in inclusive practices.
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Al LaBarre
Alison B. LaBarre, Ed.D., is the executive director of statewide services and outreach for the Ohio Deaf and Blind Education Services. LaBarre has presented at state and national conferences on topics related to middle-level education and the educational needs of the exceptional child. Workforce development to serve students who are deaf/hard of hearing/deafblind and those with visual impairments or blindness is an additional area of passion for program creation focus.
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Jonathan Lai
Dr Jonathan Lai is the executive director at Autism Alliance of Canada. He also holds an adjunct faculty position in Health Services Research at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. At Autism Alliance of Canada, Lai's work involves responding to emerging national policy gaps in the autism and disability sector. Through his career, he has experience working at the interface of research, community and policy to affect systems change in the health and social services sector across Canada.
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Rachael Langley
Rachael Langley is a speech-language pathologist, specializing in augmentative/alternative communication (AAC). With 20+ years in the field, she's an advocate for supporting students with complex communication needs within inclusive school settings. Langley works for AssistiveWare as an independent contractor, focusing on school implementation and product development. She is also the co-founder of the #TalkingAAC non-profit organization, where she sits on the board of directors. To share her skill and experience, Rachael presents at state, national, and international conferences on topics related to AAC implementation.
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Aaron Lanou
Aaron Lanou is an inclusive educational consultant who coaches teachers to implement strengths-based supports for autistic students and all kids with academic, executive functioning, and social support needs. A member of Carol Gray's Team Social Stories, Lanou leads Social Stories workshops and supports the development of the Social Stories philosophy and approach. A former special educator, Lanou was executive director of the Nest Support Project at New York University, supporting the nation's largest inclusion program for autistic students. He has presented nationally and internationally, including in Aarhus, Denmark, where he led the adaptation of the Nest model to Danish schools.
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Bernadette Laughlin
Bernadette Laughlin is the related services specialist in the Office for Exceptional Children at the Ohio Department of Education and Wrokforce. With a unique background of serving as a school speech-language pathologist before becoming a special education attorney, Laughlin has performed many roles at the Department including overseeing special education related services, complaint investigation, coordination of Ohio's due process hearings, training of state hearing officers, tackling special education staffing shortages and is an expert in special education law. Laughlin holds a BS and MA from the Ohio State University, a juris doctorate from Capital University, and presents nationally.
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Amy Laurent
Amy Laurent, PhD, OTR/L, is the co-director of Autism Level UP! an autistic/allistic partnership dedicated to the provision of education, accessible resources, and practical strategies focused on increasing active engagement for autistic individuals and the members of their communities. She is a co-author of the SCERTS Model and frequently lectures internationally. She is passionate about neurodiversity and helping others to honor and understand the implications of "different ways of being" in relation to navigating the physical and social world. Laurent strives to practice what she preaches and uses her love of play and movement to meet her own regulatory needs.
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Erin Leeming
Erin Leeming has her bachelor's degree in child and family development and her master's degree in speech-language pathology. She has been a full-time speech-language pathologist working in an Ohio public school for 10 years. She is also an adjunct professor at Ashland University teaching a communication disorders course to upcoming intervention specialists. Leeming is an OSSPEAC community of practice committee member and mentor. She is working toward her doctorate through the SLPD program at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. Previously, Leeming has presented on collaboration within public schools at the related services meet-ups through the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce.
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Mallory Legg
Mallory Legg is a staff attorney at Project HEAL (Health, Education, Advocacy, and Law). Legg earned a bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of Delaware and a Juris Doctor at the University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law. She interned at Project HEAL during her second and third years of law school, and started as a staff attorney in August 2014. Legg received The Maryland Daily Record's Leading Women Award in December 2017, the Association of University Centers on Disabilities (AUCD) Young Professional Award in November 2017, the Maryland Legal Services Corporation's Rising Star Award in 2018, and the Daily Record's VIP List Award in 2019.
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David Lichtenstein
David Lichtenstein is currently a staff psychologist at Bradley Hospital's Verrecchia Clinic for Children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities. He also currently serves as a consultant on the Project AWARE team at the Bradley Learning Exchange, which provides consultation to public schools around the state of Rhode Island. Finally, as a clinical assistant professor at the Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University, Lichtenstein has taken an active role in the training of rising professionals in the areas of psychology, psychiatry, and human services.
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Esther Lindstrom
Dr. Esther Lindstrom (she/her) is an assistant professor of special education at Lehigh University. Her research focuses on reading instruction for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the association of instructional practices to student-, teacher-, and school characteristics. She teaches coursework in intensive reading intervention, special education foundations, and assessment.
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Maria Lohr
Maria Lohr is the assistant administrator for gifted services at Department of Education and Workforce in the Office of Learning and Instructional Strategies, providing technical assistance to school administrators, educators, and parents regarding state laws, rules, policies, and best practices for gifted education. She previously worked in the North Carolina public school system providing gifted services to identified students in general education settings at the elementary level. She serves on the board of the Council of State Directors of Programs for Gifted, a national organization of state education agency personnel in public school programs for the gifted and talented.
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Kaylan Long
Kaylan Long, M.Ed, BCBA, LBA, is a training and technical assistance associate at the VCU- Autism Center for Education (ACE). Long earned her masters of education in special education from Auburn University. She comes to ACE with experience as a special education teacher in two different states outside of Virginia. As a licensed behavior analyst, Long has extensive district-wide experience in providing coaching and training to various educational professionals within the public school setting on instructional and behavioral programming. Her passion is training others to provide trauma-informed, dignified, and values-based services to students with disabilities.
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Jimmy Lowe
Jimmy Lowe is a community inclusion specialist for The Cuyahoga County Board of Developmental Disabilities. He has worked at Cuyahoga DD for the past 28 years. He has served in different capacities over the years in community employment, transition services, and intake navigation. He now works with the Good Life Ambassadors. Under his coaching, the GLA's present on disability etiquette/inclusion for businesses and schools. Lowe started working with individuals with a disability 40 years ago in an institution. It was there when he made the decision to work with individuals with a disability for the rest of his life.
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Pamela Luft
Pamela Luft, PhD, is a professor emerita of deaf/special education at Kent State University. She is secretary and a prior president of the Council on Education of the Deaf, a consortium of eight organizations working to advocate, accredit deaf education programs, and certify program graduates. She has an MEd in deaf education from McDaniel College, an MS in technology for persons with disabilities from Johns Hopkins University, and a PhD from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research and publications focus on literacy, transition, technology, employment of persons with disabilities, deaf and special education policy, and instructional practices.
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Laura Maddox-Bechard
Laura Maddox, PhD, BCBA, COBA, is the program director for the Center for the Young Child at OCALI. Her passion for young children and families is evident in her 30 years of work in early childhood health and education. She has worked as a teacher and administrator within school, university, and hospital settings and collaborated across state systems and within local communities to improve early care and education for young children. Maddox participates in several early childhood stakeholder and advisory groups in Ohio and Nebraska.
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Janice Mader
Janice Mader has been employed at Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities since 2001 when she was hired as a vocational rehabilitation counselor to work with students transitioning from high school to the adult world of employment. She took on the role of rehabilitation program specialist in 2010 and has worked in different units, including policy and training, contract services and, recently, supported employment and transition. Previous to OOD, Mader was a job coach and job developer. She graduated from Ohio University with both her bachelor's and master's degrees.
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Kelly Mahler
Kelly Mahler, OTD, OTR/L, has been an occupational therapist for 22 years, serving autistic children and adults. She is winner of the 2020 AOTA Emerging and Innovative Practice Award. Mahler is an adjunct faculty member in the Department of Occupational Therapy at Elizabethtown College and is a co-principal investigator of multiple research projects pertaining to topics such as interoception, trauma, autism, and anxiety. She is an international speaker, presenting frequently on topics related to the eight, award-winning resources she has authored including The Interoception Curriculum & My Interoception Workbook.
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Anne Maholm
Anne Maholm received her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Kent State University in speech-language pathology. She practiced as an SLP in Akron Public Schools for 15 years and has recently started serving as a special education consultant for the district. Maholm supports 13 elementary school across the district and enjoys consulting with general and special education staff in order to help students achieve equitable access and their highest potential.
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Tracey Manz
Tracey Manz is the parent of an amazing young man with autism. Manz is the project manager for the Family Resource Network of Ohio which is the hub for Charting the LifeCourse in Ohio and provides resources to families that experience disability. She is a Charting the LifeCourse ambassador. Manz is also the project manager for the Nisonger Aspirations program which provides social skill development and resource education for teens and adults on the autism spectrum and their caregivers.
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Chelsea Marelle
Chelsea Marelle, PhD., is an assistant professor at the University of North Georgia. She was a special education teacher for 5 years, where she served as an elementary resource, cross category, specific learning disability, and autism self-contained classroom teacher. Her research interests include special education teacher preparation programs and professional development, behavior and classroom management, and autism specific classroom interventions. Marelle has presented at state, national, and international conferences, and contributed to several articles.
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Camille Marie Brandt
Dr. Camille Brandt is an assistant professor of education in special education at Bemidji State University, Bemidji, Minnesota. She has taught in both public and private sectors as a special education teacher and consultant in the area of autism spectrum disorders. She has led efforts in her community for inclusiveness and has developed partnerships between early education and services for children and families. Brandt has presented on topics ranging from community inclusiveness to due process for parents and families impacted by autism.
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Hunter Markle
Hunter Markle is an autistic young adult with autism. He enjoys sharing his experience of living a mentally healthy life and transitioning to the adult health care system. He completed high school by transferring to a virtual school and was working on college courses when COVID happened. He is currently working part-time in the deli department at a local grocery store and speaks regularly about transition through a partnership with the Wisconsin Youth Health Transition Initiative. He has given input to different Got Transition? projects. He also freely shares his mental health struggles and how he deals with them as an autistic. He loves D&D and is always looking for campaigns to join.
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Timothy Markle
Timothy Markle is founder of Forgiveness Factor, which exists to promote forgiveness as a way to live mentally well. Markle teaches classes, workshops, and speaks about forgiveness, suicide prevention, and addiction recovery. He has MAs in counseling and Christian studies. Markle works for the Waisman Center at the UW-Madison. He works with the Southern Regional Center for CYSHCN, the Youth Health Transition Initiative, the LEND training program, and the Community of Practice on ASD/DD. He is on the board of directors for the Autism Society of South Central Wisconsin. He is married, has two adult children (one on the spectrum) and lives in Stoughton, WI.
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Suzy Marquis
Suzy Marquis, M.Ed., is a dedicated educator and community leader currently pursuing a doctor of education degree in interprofessional leadership at Kent State University. With over 28 years of teaching experience, Marquis has been deeply invested in fostering educational excellence and community engagement, earning recognition for her outstanding contributions. Marquis is dedicated to continuous growth and aims to further advance educational practices and community development. She recognizes the importance of parent-teacher partnerships and actively fosters collaboration between home and school to support student success.
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Andy Masud
Andy Masud is a research associate at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
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Jennifer Matson-Cary
Jennifer Matson-Cary is a speech language pathologist within Lancaster City Schools. She has over 10 years of experience, working with children with various disabilities including speech and language impairments, autism spectrum disorder, and hearing impairments. Matson-Cary has experience working with AAC systems and works with students in self-contained classrooms. She enjoys working with other professionals to help students become more effective communicators and support their communication across multiple environments. Matson-Cary received her BA and MA in speech language pathology from the University of Toledo. She resides in Canal Winchester with her husband and children.
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Christopher McBride
Dr. Christopher McBride is an assistant professor of mathematics at Georgia State University Perimeter College. He holds a Ph.D. in math education for the University of Georgia and a M.S. in statistics from Georgia Tech. He has contributed to several national studies related to math education and visual impairments. He is currently working on research aimed at increasing access to math for students who are blind.
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Kathleen McClaskey
Kathleen McClaskey, M.Ed., is CEO and chief learning officer of Empower the Learner, LLC, founder of Make Learning Personal, and co-author of bestsellers Make Learning Personal and How to Personalize Learning. She is an innovative thought leader, international speaker, professional developer, and UDL consultant with over 35 years' experience in creating learner-centered environments as a teacher, K-12 administrator and consultant. McClaskey is passionate in empowering ALL learners to thrive with tools, skills and practices so they become self-directed learners, learners with agency, who are future ready for college, career and life.
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Tricia McCollum
Tricia McCollum, PhD, works as a consultant with Ohio's State Support Team, Region 4. She specializes in the areas of early learning school readiness, special education, and family and community engagement. She received her doctorate in special education from Kent State University. McCollum has worked in the field of special education for 16 years as a teacher, administrator, and consultant, and has spent the past 8 years working with preschool children with ASD. Her research interests include supporting young children with ASD and the adults who work with them, peer-mediated interventions, and creating structured early childhood settings.
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Kenny McDonald
Kenny McDonald serves as the third president and CEO of the Columbus Partnership, an organization of Columbus' top business leaders. He is responsible for leading strategies focused on diversity and equity, growth and development, and business and civic innovation. He brings over 25 years of experience working with metropolitan economies in Georgia, New Mexico, and North Carolina. He also spent seven years as a global site location advisor for Fluor Corporation. McDonald was named one of the Top 50 economic developers by Economix, is a frequent speaker and national thought leader on regional economic development, and was also named Small Nonprofit CEO of the Year by Columbus CEO magazine.
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Kimberly McFadden
Kimberly McFadden is a doctoral student studying special education at Lehigh University in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. She is a former special education teacher, with a decade of experience in K-12 education and habilitation services. Her primary research interest is in reading interventions for secondary students with disabilities.
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Marsha McLagan
Marsha McLagan has been a preschool teacher for 29 years. She received her degree from the University of Cincinnati in early childhood education and is trauma certified through the Tri-state trauma network. McLagan has worked with children in childcare, Headstart and public preschool settings. Her teaching approach is centered around fostering a positive and inclusive environment, where all students are encouraged to be independent and find their love for learning. McLagan believes in creating a classroom that is developmentally appropriate, student lead, and safe for all learners. Her classroom strategies promote the development of children's social emotional skills and regulation.
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Donna McNear
Donna McNear, MA, COMS, is a career teacher and independent educational consultant from Minnesota specializing in services and supports to children with visual impairments. She provides on-going technical assistance and training to educational agencies, organizations, and families nationally/internationally. She is an author, researcher, and frequent presenter at conferences on effective instruction, accommodations, and supports for all children. She is a recipient of the Outstanding Leadership Award from the Council for Exceptional Children.
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Carly McVey
Carly McVey, MEd, is a Senior Director at OCALI and Director for the new Center of Excellence on Inclusive Practice. She has worked for over 20 years in the field of adult learning and professional development and spent the past decade at OCALI advancing the organization’s online offerings for professionals and families. Throughout her experiences, she’s been driven by her lifelong love of learning and by the determination to ignite this same love in others, whether her own children, students in her classroom, or the professionals she serves.
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Catherine Medovich
Catherine Medovich has extensive experience as a certified Information and Referral Specialist for a national disability organization. Now retired from the field, she continues her skills as a lifelong parent advocate for her adult son. She has presented at autism conferences as well as local civic organizations.
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Emily Meier
Emily Meier is an instructor and transition program coordinator at the USD Sanford School of Medicine. She works extensively in the areas of holistic transitions and healthcare transition. She also facilitates South Dakota's Transition in Action Clinic and the University of Arizona's Transition Ahead Roundtable. Meier began her career teaching children with ASD; she then served as an education coordinator and special education director. Meier instructs educators and healthcare professionals across the country in the areas of healthcare transition, individual healthcare plans, ASD, holistic transition strategies, challenging behavior, social skills, and educational programming.
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Joshua Metcalf
Joshua Tyler Metcalf, M.A., M.S., is a Clinical Psychology doctoral student and the assistant coordinator of the Trauma and Suicide Prevention Clinic at Eastern Kentucky University. Metcalf has served on multiple research teams including interdisciplinary health education centers and graduate school laboratories. He currently provides and assists in the coordination of statewide suicide intervention and trauma informed care trainings for state funded organizations. Metcalf has presented at national and university conferences and is currently working to publish several articles regarding the evaluation of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Nichelle Michalak
Nikki Michalak, M.S., BCBA is the Statewide Director of the Autism Professional Learning and Universal Supports project in the Department of Special Education at Illinois State University. Previous to her current role, she served as co-principal investigator on a grant for nine years that provided technical assistance to families of children and youth with ASD, she co-created online professional development and undergraduate and graduate courses on ASD, and serves as master's advisor for graduate studies. Michalak publishes in the field of ASD, continues to provide support to families and teachers, and informs local service provision through service on multiple leadership boards.
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Alex Miller
Alex Miller, the I/DD Administrator with Aetna - OhioRISE, assists OhioRISE members and families navigate the developmental disability system and serves as the subject matter expert within the OhioRISE plan. Miller has 10 years of experience in the developmental disabilities field.
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Kevin Miller
Kevin L. Miller is the director of Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. With support of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and Lt. Governor Jon Husted's budget for OOD, the agency launched Accessible Ohio. For the first time in nearly 20 years, the budget supported OOD in maximizing federal grant dollars for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program to help more Ohioans with disabilities get jobs. Miller created an OOD division to build business partnerships to promote the hiring of people with disabilities, eliminated a waiting list for Vocational Rehabilitation, helped draft legislation that led to the passage of H.B. 115 - the Communications Disability Law, and developed many new initiatives.
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Lauren Miller
Lauren E. Miller works as an assistant professor in the child study department at St. Joseph's University. She earned her Ed.D. in intellectual disability/autism at Teachers College where she also obtained her master's degree in multiple and severe disabilities. Miller holds a bachelor's degree in elementary and special education from Providence College. She has over ten years of experience in working as a special education teacher in elementary and secondary settings. Her past publications and presentations focus on students who will soon age out of the school system and into adulthood, as well as secondary transition evidence-based practices.
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Susanna Miller-Raines
Susanna Miller-Raines, MSW is a program manager at the Institute for Community Inclusion at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Her responsibilities are related to supporting the growth and expansion of state and regional alliances for higher education programs for individuals with intellectual disability with the Think College Inclusive Higher Education Network. Most recently, she served as the statewide coordinator for the Georgia Inclusive Postsecondary Education Consortium (GAIPSEC). She helped establish the Southeast Postsecondary Education Alliance and was the founding chair of the board of directors. Miller-Raines is the daughter of a father with a developmental disability.
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Kelly Minarchek
Kelly Minarchek is an occupational therapist at Cincinnati Children's. She has worked in pediatric psychiatry for 7 years across inpatient and residential. Minarchek received a bachelor of science degree in psychology from the University of Dayton and a masters in occupational therapy from The Ohio State University. Minarchek is a member of the psychiatry TRACK team and Transition Services: Thrive Program. She has presented on topics related to transition to adulthood and occupation-based intervention in mental health and is collaborating on a proposal for the Journal for Autism and Developmental Disorders. Minarchek is passionate about working with youth on transition into adulthood.
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Shannon Monyak
Shannon Monyak works at Services for Independent Living as the agency's executive director. She has 20+ years of experience in direct service, program development, community education, and advocacy. Monyak participates in local, state, and national coalitions and advisory boards to increase access and equality for persons with disabilities, influence program development, administration, and implementation. In the past she conducted vocational training, managing assistive technology and accessible computer labs, providing support for youth with disabilities transitioning from school to post-secondary education. Monyak obtained her B.A. in Psychology from Bowling Green State University.
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Michele Moore
Michele Moore is currently the director of the State Support Team Region 5. Moore has been a consultant for the region since 2002, serving the four counties of Mahoning, Trumbull, Columbiana, and Ashtabula. She has focused on implementation fidelity, sustainability, and scalability in her role as a member of the State Development Team. The focus of the past and current work is implementing systems-level change to improve the academic and behavioral outcomes for all children.
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Jamie Moreira
Jamie Moreira, M.E., is an early intervention specialist. A special educator for 21 years, Moreira has served as an intervention specialist in an integrated preschool setting. She currently serves on the Positive Behavior Intervention Support teams for both Tier 1 and Tier 2 and has presented at several conferences. Moreira also co-headed a project to fund a new playground surface that is accessible to children with disabilities. In 2020, she was named Teacher of the Year in her building.
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Kimberly Moritz
Kim Moritz completed her undergraduate work at Bluffton University and earned a master's degree in education from Bowling Green State University. She has worked as a teacher both in a traditional classroom setting and online and has worked for several educational technology companies. In her current role as a consultant for State Support Team 6, Moritz combines the experience of being an educator with that of raising a child with special needs. She also serves on advisory boards for SAPEC, OCDBE, NFADB and Dayton Children's Medical Center.
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Jeremy Morris
Jeremy Morris is the executive director at Ohio Statewide Independent Living Council. Before joining the SILC, Morris has been working in independent living over 13 years, previously serving as the executive director of the Access Center in Dayton, Ohio, and finance coordinator at the Western Reserve ILC in Warren, Ohio.
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Lindsay Morrison
Lindsay Morrison, MS, DS, OIFP-II is an inclusion support specialist for the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence at OCALI. Morrison is a native to Florida where she received her undergraduate degree from the University of Central Florida and her master's in early childhood development and developmental disabilities from Nova Southeastern University. Prior to coming to OCALI, Morrison worked in early intervention as a developmental specialist for a county board of developmental disabilities as well as working for the Nisonger Center. Morrison is incredibly passionate about inclusion and hopes to make a positive impact in Ohio for all children.
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Alexandria Morrow
Alexandria Morrow obtained her undergrad degree from Marshall University in early childhood / early childhood intervention. She began teaching preschool at the Marshall Child Development Academy. Through Marshall, she taught with the Reggio Amelia Approach to Early Childhood. Since July 2016, she has been teaching preschool in Gallia County Local Schools. Her classroom is a model site for PBIS and also a model site for early childhood literacy. A highlight of her career was a visit to my classroom by Governor Dewine recognizing our PBIS and early literacy practices.
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Tim Morse
Tim Morse, EdD, has worked as a university professor, district-level special education administrator, and special education teacher. He founded and, for seven years, directed an autism demonstration school for the Mississippi Department of Education. He has authored four books addressing remedial instruction for students with disabilities and those manifesting learning challenges and over 80 articles published in peer-reviewed journals and other professional publications. Additionally, he has made presentations about various special education topics at state, national, and international conferences.
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Ryan Murphy
Ryan Murphy, M.Ed., is the preschool coordinator at the Stark County Educational Service Center. He serves 12 different school districts and over 100 staff members throughout Stark County by helping coordinate, monitor, and enhance their preschool programs. He previously served as a special education director for the past 7 years. He is passionate about early childhood education and implemented the SPARK program at his previous district, where he volunteered as the SPARK administrator. He has previously presented throughout Region 9 on Social Justice, RTI, UDL, MTSS, SDI, and Freshman Academy. Murphy also sits on several educational and philanthropic boards.
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Anne Nagel
Anne Nagel is a cognitive engineer who builds processes, products, services and tech based on how the brain processes information. She has worked in the areas of autism and secondary education, employment, and research. Currently she works on the science team of Autism Speaks, supporting autistic researchers and advocating for autistic participation in research. Nagel was diagnosed with autism as an adult. She has a Ph.D. in industrial engineering.
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Anne Nebeker
Anne Nebeker is part of the contact center team at the Autism Society of America. She has two adult children on the autism spectrum. She is a former high school English teacher, has lived in five countries, and is now happy in a small town in Northern Utah with her Goldendoodle, Pete.
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Lindsey Nebeker
Lindsey Nebeker is a multi-dimensional creative professional who specializes in nonprofit marketing, content creation, and educational training. She was born in Tokyo, Japan, and received her autism diagnosis at age two. She holds a B.A. degree in music technology and is a Partners in Policymaking alumna. Nebeker is also a sibling of an autistic adult with high-support needs. She has served on several boards and advisory panels for organizations including the Autistic Women & Nonbinary Network and Felicity House, and she is a current member of the IACC. Nebeker has appeared in Glamour, NPR, and the Emmy-nominated documentary "Autism in Love".
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Matthew Newton
Matt Newton serves as the coordinator of assistive and instructional technology for the Virginia Department of Education's Training and Technical Assistance Center (T/TAC) at Virginia Tech. Newton began his career in education as a special education teacher working with students with multiple disabilities in the Roanoke City Public Schools division and has also served there as an instructional technology resource teacher. He was recognized as Roanoke City's Teacher of the Year in 2014 and Virginia's Region 6 Teacher of the Year in 2015, as well as a Joy Zabala Fellow in 2022. Newton is also a member of the QIAT leadership team.
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May Nguyen
May Nguyen is a licensed educational psychologist and nationally certified school psychologist serving the California School of the Blind Assessment Center. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member for the school psychology program at California State University, East Bay. She is also a co-founding member of Resilient Minds Collective, a private practice of licensed educational psychologists who provide assessments, mental health support, and educational resources to individuals with diverse needs. Nguyen serves as the NASP BVIPsych Interest Group co-coordinator and is a member of the CASP Assessment Committee and CASP Mental Wellness Committee.
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Bridgette Nicholson
Bridgette Nicholson has been an occupational therapist and assistive technology consultant for over 36 years. She has provided extensive consultation, training, and presentations for school districts, organizations, and conferences. She presents interactive workshops for educators, therapists, teachers, and parents. These presentations include evidence-based practice, research, progress monitoring, universal design for learning, and powerful research-based strategies for classrooms and schools.
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Amanda Nickerson
Dr. Amanda Nickerson is the CLSD technical assistance specialist at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce and State Support Team 9. She is responsible for creating aligned supports for the development of model literacy sites and providing technical assistance for schools and districts. In her role at the Department, she also designs and facilitates statewide literacy professional learning opportunities. Previously, Nickerson served as a regional literacy consultant, literacy coach, K-8 educator, Title I tutor, gifted intervention specialist, and adjunct instructor.
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Hannah Nix
Hannah Nix is a teacher of the Deaf/hard of hearing working in an inclusion setting. Before earning her M.A. from the U of Arizona she earned her B.S.Ed from Valdosta State University and was an Educ. ASL interpreter for 6 years. She's completed training in visual phonics and the Wilson Reading System, and has worked on two projects with OCALI, one being an interview for a visual phonics module, the other a recording for the "Day in the Life" project. In May '24 she presented to high school students about the role of a ToD and related careers. In April she'll sit on a panel at the "Starting Strong: Supporting Language, Communication and Early Literacy in Children Who are [DHH]" conference.
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Katherine Norland
Katie Norland is the director of the Transition and Access Pathways (TAP) program at the University of Cincinnati. TAP is a four-year inclusive postsecondary education program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities that provides programs that include academics, social activities, relationship building, employment, and independent living. Previously, she worked at The College of the Florida Keys where she was the director of Project ACCESS and responsible for many other student success-focused service areas. Her professional experiences extend beyond inclusive education with a background in marketing, social media, hospitality, and event management.
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Darlene Norman
Darlene Norman works in her private practice, Resilient Minds Collective, as a licensed educational psychologist conducting school neuropsychoeducational evaluations. She has experience in public education as a school psychologist and director of special education for 16 years in CA. She serves in school psychology organizations at the local and state levels, and is the recipient of the CASP Outstanding School Psychologist award. She is a parent of a deafblind child and advocates for deafblind students at the state and national levels. Norman founded Embraced IDEA where she helps families of children with complex needs implement organizational systems and personal passports.
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Alexa Nunnari
Alexa Nunnari is an inclusion support specialist for the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence. Her professional passion is supporting communication development and family engagement for children who are Deaf and hard of hearing. Nunnari received her bachelor's degrees in Deaf education and elementary education from Indiana University of PA. She started her career as a paraprofessional and ESY teacher at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. Prior to coming to OCALI, Nunnari was working as a teacher of the Deaf in Cleveland Metropolitan School District supporting students across multiple classroom settings from ages 3-11.
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Sarah Nurpeisov
Sarah Nurpeisov is a junior chemistry student on the pre-med track at Georgia State University. Nurpeisov participated in the CORE Undergraduate Research Program at Georgia State University Perimeter College. She is currently collaborating with Dr. C. Rett McBride and Dr. Tina Herzberg on a study of participation rates in high school math classes among students with visual impairment and was accepted for poster presentations at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research and the Association for Education and Rehabilitation of the Blind and Visually Impaired International Conference in 2024.
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Jamie O'Brien
Jamie O'Brien PT, DPT board certified clinical specialist in neurologic physical therapy. O'Brien is an assistant clinical professor at Bowling Green State University. She received a bachelor of science from Ohio State University, a doctor of physical therapy degree from the University of Indianapolis, and is currently a doctor of health science student at Drexel University. She currently serves as the vice president for Wood County Plays. O'Brien's work with medically complex children and their families, has made her a fierce advocate for access and inclusive play for all individuals.
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Jillian Ober
Jillian Ober, MA, is an outreach programs manager at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center, where she has worked since 2004 to promote lifelong learning, social connections, and community inclusion for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Currently, Ober manages the Next Chapter Book Club, a widely successful, community-based literacy program serving 100+ adults with IDD weekly. Ober received both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from The Ohio State University.
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Allison Officer
Allison Officer is a certified autism specialist, licensed K-12 intervention specialist, and member of the MCESC Autism & Low-Incidence Coaching Team (ACT). The ACT Team provides ongoing coaching and professional development to educational teams throughout the Dayton, Ohio region in using evidence-based practices. Prior to joining the ACT Team, Officer taught in Mad River Local Schools in Riverside, OH, as a K-4 intervention specialist in a cross-categorical resource room. Officer received a BS in education from the University of Dayton and an MS in education from Walden University.
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Latosha Olinger
Latosha Olinger is a certified Work Incentives Coordinator with Warren County Board of Developmental Disabilities. She provides benefits counseling to enrolled individuals and works with community partners to increase awareness regarding benefits and employment.
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Heidi Orvosh
Heidi Orvosh, PhD, is a consultant with Northern Buckeye Education Council and Northwest Ohio Computer Association. She is a member of the Ohio UDL Collaborative. She coaches teachers and supports schools in meeting their improvement goals. Her primary focus is in the area of technology integration and universal design for learning. She has over 20 years of professional expertise in the area of education. Her previous experience includes State Support Team Region 7, teaching at the secondary and post-secondary levels, and serving as an administrator. Her doctorate is in curriculum and instruction from New Mexico State University.
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Angie Osborne
Angie Osborne is a school improvement consultant with SST, Region 1. She also serves as a regional data lead to promote and strengthen the use of student performance data. Previously, Osborne worked as a federal programs and grants supervisor, a gifted coordinator, and a gifted intervention specialist. She holds a master's in business administration, an administrative specialist license, and a gifted intervention specialist (k-12) license. In addition to supporting continuous improvement, instructional leadership, the use of data, Osborne is a member of the MTSS workgroup responsible for developing professional development around Ohio's new MTSS framework.
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Jane Osborne
Jane Osborne, COTA/L is a certified occupational therapy assistant. Osborne has 35 years of experience working with pediatrics. Along with being employed through the Pickaway County Educational Service Center she is an adjunct instructor at Shawnee State University Occupational Therapy Assistant Program. Osborne has had the honor of guest speaking at the Professional Development Educators Statewide Conference, Professional Development for Ready Schools Grant and Early Childhood Classes at Ohio University Chillicothe. Osborne is an active member of the educational team developing numerous adaptations and developmental approaches to allow our students to succeed on their academic journey.
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Gina Ottlinger
Gina Ottlinger, M.Ed., serves as an intervention specialist on the Curriculum Access Team (CAT) for Cincinnati School, supporting teachers and students in specialized and inclusive classrooms in accessing the curriculum. Before her current position, Ottlinger taught in various classrooms, including inclusion and self-contained for grades K-8. Ottlinger specializes in reading instruction and is working on obtaining her doctorate in special education curriculum and instruction.
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Trisha Page
Trisha Page was first introduced in the world of autism when her son was diagnosed with ASD shortly after his second birthday. The pediatrician advised the family to move out of their home state because "North Dakota (had) nothing to offer" them. Two decades later, Page has run ND's Autism Services division, and served on local, state, and national boards and committees. She was elected to the fastest-growing school board to keep impacting change in her state. She has co-founded a private practice and a non-profit that each center on collaboration and inclusion. Page enjoys traveling with her husband, their four boys, three dogs, and two ducks.
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Teresa Patterson
Teresa Patterson has used her psychology and special education degrees to meld the disciplines of mental wellness and teaching in different environments throughout her career: residential treatment centers, general education classrooms, and separate classrooms and schools. She has taught and cared for kindergarteners through adolescents. She loves leading teams of educators to feel comfortable, safe, and empowered in their roles so they can help vulnerable learners. In her current role, she uses brain-based strategies to teach adults to self-regulate and then co-regulate students, backed by her training in the Neurosequential Model in Education.
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Andrew Payne
Andrew Payne will be graduating from the University of South Florida (USF) in December 2024 with his Ph.D. in special education and school leadership. He earned a Bachelor of Arts in Integrated Social Studies ('13) and a Master of Science in Special Education ('17) from the University of Akron. He has taught in inclusive settings, worked as an intervention specialist for a large county in Florida, worked as a transition specialist for students with intellectual disabilities, and currently teaches a self-contained 7-12 class of students with moderate/intensive disabilities. He is also an adjunct professor at USF.
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Shirley Peganoff O'Brien
Shirley Peganoff O'Brien, Ph.D., OTR/L, FAOTA, is a professor of occupational therapy at Eastern Kentucky University. She has clinical, research, and teaching expertise in sensory modulation, leadership, and student development theory and practice. She is published and presented on ASD, sensory issues, leadership, policy, and implications for school performance.
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Stephen Pelton
Steve Pelton is the president of hChoices, a health technology company, He is executive director of All Choices Matter, helping students navigate life's tough stuff, and We Thrive Together, reducing loneliness and helping people make friends with awesome, live interactive online programming. Pelton is a serial entrepreneur and has a personal mission of helping people live happier, healthier lives.
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Robert Pennington
Robert Pennington PhD BCBA-D is the director of the Center of Excellence on Inclusive Practice for OCALI. He has over 30 years of experience working with individuals with disabilities, their families, and teachers and has published over 90 articles, book chapters, and books related to working with persons with a range of support needs. Pennington is passionate about the dissemination of research-based practice and has provided hundreds of presentations to researchers, practitioners, and families. He also values service to field through membership on advisory committees, editorial boards, leadership in professional organizations, and school consultation.
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Jessica Perdue
Jessica Perdue is currently a 6-12 intervention specialist working at Clinton-Massie Local Schools. She mentors first-year teachers through the Ohio CEC New Teacher Institute Mentorship Program. She resides outside of Blanchester, Ohio with her husband Cole and two dogs.
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Brandon Perez
Brandon C. Perez, Ph.D., BCBA-D is an assistant professor in the Department of Special and Early Education at Northern Illinois University. Currently, he teaches courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, including several of the courses required for the M.S.Ed in special education to become a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA). His research interests are primarily centered around working with individuals with autism spectrum disorder and include toilet training and the assessment and treatment of severe problem behavior. He has published articles in and serves as a reviewer for multiple behavior-analytic journals.
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Andrew Persch
Andrew Persch is an associate professor in the occupational Ttherapy department at Colorado State University and is the director of the Transition, Employment, and Technology (TET) Lab. The TET Lab is focused on improving the transition to adulthood and employment among those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. He worked with Dr. Dennis Cleary and partners in special education and vocational rehabilitation to create the Vocational Fit Assessment (VFA), providing an accurate, person-centered measure of work-related adaptive behavior that informs job placement and customized employment decision-making.
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Heather Peschel
Heather Peschel, with over a decade of dedicated service at Valley City State University, stands as an emblem of excellence in the field of special education and mental health advocacy. Beyond her role as director of special education, Peschel also serves as the director an inclusive college program serving students with intellectual disabilities. She tirelessly advocates for the well-being of students and educators alike, promoting mental wellness and resilience within academic settings. With a steadfast commitment to excellence, Peschel continues to make indelible contributions to the field of education and mental health advocacy.
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Janet Peters
Janet Peters is the Kansas Infinitec project director. In that role, she leads the high quality instruction within inclusive learning environments project, which is a statewide inclusion initiative funded by the Kansas Department of Education. She was most recently the project director for the Center on Inclusive Technology and Education Systems (CITES) at CAST.
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Kevin Peterson
Kevin Peterson lives in Mount Vernon, Ohio, with his wife, Mandy, and their three kids. Lucy, their oldest, has Down syndrome and just graduated from high school in 2024. Peterson works at Kenyon College as their civil right/Title IX deputy coordinator. In his free time you can usually find him around a soccer field watching his kids play, coaching a team, or reffing a game.
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Katie Pettersen
Katie Pettersen is a nationally certified school psychologist working in Santa Clara Unified School District. Pettersen is an ardent advocate of student needs, and has worked with various teams to support the development of programming to support all students. Her areas of interest within the field of school psychology include mental health awareness, autism spectrum disorders, and supporting LGBTQ+ youth. In addition to her work with SCUSD, Pettersen serves as secretary of the Santa Clara County Association of School Psychologists, and serves as affiliate reprepresentative on the CASP Board.
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Monique Pinczynski
Monique Pinczynski is a first generation doctoral student at the University of North Carolina Charlotte. She was previously a classroom teacher in Henderson, NV, where she taught students with autism and extensive support needs as well as students with learning disabilities. Pinczynski earned her BS and MEd in special education at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, where she also attained her board certified behavior analyst certification. Her research interests include implementing evidence-based practices with students with autism and extensive support needs with a focus on communication as well as supporting teachers in this area.
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Amy Pleet-Odle
Dr. Amy Pleet-Odle is the founder of Joyful Inclusion, a systemic approach to updating inclusive practices in schools to increase teacher satisfaction, build partnerships with families and improve student outcomes. Her consulting company, Inclusion Focused Coaching, LLC, combines online school-wide professional development packages for faculty and support by her Inclusion Coaching team. She draws on 50+ years of experience as an English teacher, special educator, transition specialist (local and state), university professor, empowerment coach, author, speaker, and parent to integrate cutting-edge, evidence-based practices into practical strategies. Her website:
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Amy Pratt
Amy Pratt is a physical therapist with a master's in physical therapy from Andrews University. Specializing in pediatrics, she works at Montgomery County ESC and as the director of clinical success at Augment Therapy. Pratt also has experience in exercise physiology and sports performance enhancement. She is passionate about collaborative approaches working with OTs and educators to support the most complex cases and for MTSS implementation. Her innovative interests include patient engagement through augmented reality and animal assisted therapy. Pratt is an APTA credentialed clinical instructor, Edison State PTA program advisory board member, and adjunct faculty at the University of Dayton.
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Leah Prezkop
Leah Prezkop received her bachelor's degree from West Liberty University in 2009. She decided to pursue a career in behavioral services in 2021 when her daughter was diagnosed with autism. She obtained her RBT in 2022 while working at a center in Wheeling, WV for children with autism. She continued her career working for Ohio County Schools as an RBT in 2023. She is currently furthering her education taking courses at West Liberty University to obtain her teaching certificate with a specialization in k-12 special education.
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Johanna Price
Johanna Price, PhD, CCC-SLP is professor in the department of communication sciences and disorders at Western Carolina University. She is a speech-language pathologist, specializing in language and literacy of children with neurodevelopmental disabilities and autism. Her research and clinical interests also include interprofessional practice and education for these populations. Price has authored or co-authored over 30 publications and 60 presentations at the local, state, national, and international levels. Most of these include her students as co-authors, and several include interdisciplinary collaborators from fields such as special education and social work.
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Jodee Prudente
Jodee Prudente is currently the principal at a school for students with special needs in Washoe County School District, Reno, NV. Her focus is on supporting the needs of students with an intellectual disability and multiple impairments for grades K-12. She has been a public-school educator for over 20 years at all levels across the continuum of service models. She became a board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) in 2021 and has been a nationally board-certified teacher in exceptional needs since 2008. Prudente's focus during her graduate studies and since obtaining her Ph.D. has been on evidence-based practices for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
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Sarah Redick
Sarah Redick holds a PhD in STEM education, as well as master's degrees in educational technology and middle childhood education, and a bachelor's degree in chemistry. She has over a decade of teaching experience, at both the middle school and collegiate levels. Redick is now the STEM education program specialist at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, where she supports educators in implementing deeper learning practices such as creating a transdisciplinary curriculum, practicing design thinking and problem-based learning, as well as crafting strategies for mastery and personalized learning.
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Alexandra Reilly
Alexandra Reilly is a second-year doctoral student at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte.
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Michelle Rentsch
Michelle Rentsch, M.Ed., is a consultant with SST9. She assists district and school personnel in special education and universal design for learning. She is a member of the Ohio UDL Collaborative and works to help teachers remove barriers and provide access for ALL students using the principles of Universal Design for Learning. Her belief and passion for students with disabilities drives her work. She is an OLi4 coach. Rentsch was a director of special services and elementary principal before becoming a consultant at SST9. She is also a wife and mom.
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C. Danae Riggs
Danae Riggs brings over 26 years of human services experience to her leadership with a purpose-driven focus to love and live in a way that promotes equity, justice, empathy, forgiveness, and wholehearted healing. She is the founder of Humans Being Human Consulting, LLC, and has been serving in the field of resilience-based, trauma responsive care over 6 years. Riggs, a lead consultant with Soul Bird Consulting as well as Finding Hope Consulting, serves with multiple projects with the Ohio DODD, Community Supports Incorporated, Safe Families, Strong Communities, and the Southwestern Ohio Council of Governments. Riggs was awarded Provider of the Year by the Clermont County Board of DD.
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Mary Ritzert
Mary Ritzert is an intervention specialist for Montgomery Co. ESC in Dayton, Ohio. She provides specially designed instruction for students with multiple disabilities with high support needs in behavior and communication. Teaching is her first and current passion and has over 25 years' experience working in human services. She received a masters in rehabilitation counseling and became a Certified Rehab Counselor. She enjoyed a second career working in a clinical setting for a Dayton area hospital as a rehab counselor providing assistance to clients with a wide range of disabilities referred by the state vocational rehabilitation department and the BWC with work being their end goal.
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Katie Robinson
Katie Robinson works at the AT&AEM Center at OCALI in accessible materials production and has worked in the field for 14 years, producing materials in braille and large print. She is certified in both EBAE and UEB literary braille production. She serves on the Transcriber and Educator committee for the National Braille Association and as a board member for the Center for Disability Empowerment. She speaks to university students about her experiences as a disabled person in the education system, and is an active disability advocate. Robinson received her degree in computer networking administration from DeVry University. She enjoys reading, baking, knitting, sewing, and gaming.
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Whitney Robinson
Whitney Robinson is a Google-certified trainer with 14 years of educational experience. Robinson currently serves as an intervention specialist in Logan Elm Local School District where she supports students with primarily low incidence disabilities in developing advocacy and adaptive skills that allow them independence in their least restrictive environments. Robinson previously worked in Pickerington Local School District where she served as a music teacher, intervention specialist, instructional coach, district technology coordinator, and middle school assistant principal. Robinson has presented for OMLA, OETC, and was accepted to present her research on blended learning at ISTE.
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Hannah Rogers
Hannah Rogers received her bachelor's in special education and masters degree in educational studies from Ohio State University. Her previous position of intervention specialist, and current position of project coordinator for a federally funded research study through Ohio State have involved supporting students with the most significant support needs. She is passionate about AAC, literacy, and paraprofessional and teacher training, and considers herself a lifelong learner--knowing that special education is dynamic and ever changing. Rogers has led many professional development sessions in two local school districts, and presented at the TASH conference and EHE Research Forum at Ohio State.
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Deborah Rooks Ellis
Deborah Rooks-Ellis is an associate professor at Coastal Carolina University. Her research focuses on pre-service preparation, professional development, and teacher well-being through qualitative and mixed methods research. Deborah supports states to implement comprehensive systems of personnel development and higher education programs to implement professional standards and is active in professional organizations, including the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the Division of Early Childhood. She has multiple publications in peer reviewed journals and has presented nationally on her work.
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L Penny Rosenblum
L. Penny Rosenblum owns Vision for Independence, LLC. Her company provides research and professional development expertise to a variety of clients. She has 35+ years of experience as a researcher, university professor, and teacher of students with visual impairments. From 2012-2016, she was project director for two Institute of Education Sciences studies. Rosenblum was the director of research for the American Foundation for the Blind from 2020-2021. As a person with low vision, she is able to share first-hand information with others about the impact of a visual impairment on the lives of children and adults.
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M. Chris Ross
Chris Ross, PhD, CCC-SLP has over 30 years of experience as a speech-language pathologist. The majority of those years were working with children with complex communication needs, including children with visual impairment, blindness, and deafblindness. Her research interests are studying the development of joint attention in children who are blind or deafblind. She earned her BA, MA, and PhD from The Ohio State University. She currently is the Director of School Improvement and Wellness at Ohio Deaf and Blind Education Services.
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Jessica Roth
Jessica Roth is currently an intervention specialist at Lancaster City Schools, teaching a self-contained class with students in grades K-3. She has more than 14 years of experience working with children in self-contained behavior and multi-handicap classrooms. Roth has helped develop curriculum and IEP goal banks for subject areas, helping students of all abilities reach their full potential. Roth received her bachelors of arts, specializing in moderate to severe special needs from the University of Toledo, and her masters in administration leadership from Concordia University. Roth resides in Canal Winchester, Ohio with her husband of 10 years and her 2 daughters, son, and cat.
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Chloe Rothschild
Chloe Rothschild is an adult with autism who is on a mission to advocate and teach others about autism from her perspective. Rothschild is one of the co-authors of the My Interoception Workbook for Teens, Adolescents, and Adults. She also serves on the Arc of the United States national board and the OCALI advisory board. Rothschild works as a teacher's aide at an autism school 3 days a week. When she is not presenting or working, she enjoys spending time with her friends and family, participating in adaptive ice skating and dog agility for individuals with autism.
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Andrea Ruppar
Andrea L. Ruppar is a professor of special education in the Department of Rehabilitation Psychology and Special Education. Her research has examined: (a) the development of expertise in teaching students with significant disabilities; (b) the individual and social factors which support access to the general curriculum in general education classes for students with significant disabilities; and (c) decision making about Individualized Education Programs. She was selected for the Early Career Publication Award from the Council for Exceptional Children Teacher Education Division for her research on special education teachers' expertise, as well as the Early Career Research award from TASH.
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Colette Ryan
Colette Ryan is a DIRFloortime expert for ICDL. She has a degree in special education and a master's degree in early childhood education. She is an infant mental health fellow, an endorsed infant family specialist, and a PhD student. Ryan has spoken at conferences on topics including infant mental health, DIRFloortime, grief in the young child, discipline, play, and child development. She was a speaker at the 2016 ICDL conference in Orlando, Florida, and she was a speaker at the 2018 DIRFloortime conference in Kyiv, Ukraine, multiple conferences in the US, and in Hong Kong and Tokyo. Currently, Ryan is a DIR Expert and Mentoring Program Coordinator at the ICDL Institute in Livingston, NJ.
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Joanna Ryan
Joanna Ryan is an assistant professor of special education at the University of North Dakota, where she coordinates the applied behavior analysis programs. Her research focuses on real-world inclusive academic instruction and behavioral supports for students with extensive support needs.
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Sara Sadowski
Sara Sadowski is an education program specialist in the Office for Exceptional Children at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. She holds a master of education from the University of Toledo, and she obtained her bachelor of arts in English at The Ohio State University. Her experience includes working both in general education as a high school English as well working as an intervention specialist at the high school level. Sadowski currently sits on the urban support team at the department, supporting the state's large urban districts.
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Mara Sampson
Mara Sampson M.Ed, OTR/L has been an occupational therapist since 2005, with focuses in outpatient pediatrics and school-based occupational therapy. She completed the post professional doctorate in occupational therapy (OTD) program through Eastern Kentucky University, where her capstone and applied leadership experience looked at the use of coaching techniques in occupational therapy. She believes that when society values the importance of participation for all beings in all environments, a plethora of positive outcomes follow. Her work and study in occupation, yoga, universal design for learning, and coaching reflect her commitment to this ideal.
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Ron Samul
Ron Samul is a college administrator and writer. He is the assistant director at Thames at Mitchell College, a holistic transition program for neurodiverse students. Samul is also a writer and educator working with graduate writing students on their thesis projects. He lives in southeastern Connecticut, spends time at the beach, and continues to write, teach, and work with transitional student success.
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Santiago Sanchez
Santiago Sanchez is a multilingual specialist. His passion for teaching and fostering cross-cultural connections has enriched his life with multilingual communities. His educator experience ranges from 1st to 5th grade and adult education teacher, instructional coach, curriculum specialist, and multilingual program specialist. He holds a bachelor of education from Escuela Nacional de Maestros de Mexico and a master of business administration from the University of New Mexico.
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Jen Schlegel
Jen Schlegel, recent Ohio State University Alumna and President's Prize Fellow, wears many hats: a biomedical engineer, Ohio Tech Ambassador and certified ADA Coordinator. She heads Beenabled, an accessibility tech startup, developing Handicom and Handicode-softwares aiding those with limited dexterity, and 119 - a service to reduce unnecessary 911 calls among the chronic illness community. Schlegel has contributed to DriveOhio's smart vehicle projects. In her spare time, she's known as "The Idea Fountain," surrounded by whiteboards and 3D printers, navigating life with cerebral palsy, dysautonomia, and various other medical challenges.
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Celia Schloemer
Celia Schloemer works at the University of Cincinnati UCEDD, with 19 years of experience supporting families of school-aged children with disabilities as an educational advocate. Currently, she supports individuals with disabilities and their families across the lifespan, connecting them to resources and sharing information and trainings that improve outcomes. She is a certified Charting the LifeCourse Ambassador and Coach, is on the statewide Community of Practice (COP) Supporting Families and is an active member of the National COP Supporting Families. Schloemer is also a sibling, sister-in-law, aunt, and mom to individuals with developmental and learning disabilities.
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Grace Schoessow
Grace Schoessow, M.S., OIMHP-III, ECMH-C, is an early childhood mental health consultant and certified trauma practitioner with a master's in clinic psychology and specialization in intervening early to support optimal mental health and full inclusion. She has more than 20 years of experience serving children and families facing emotional, developmental, mental, and behavioral health challenges. Schoessow is the IECMH Director for the Greene County ESC, and is actively involved in advancing Ohio's efforts to integrate early childhood systems to best meet the complex needs of children and their caregivers.
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Rachel Schultz
Rachel Schultz is a Project Coordinator for Center of Excellence on Inclusive Practice and Team Lead for Internal Accessibility Practices and Outcomes. She holds a bachelor of science in special education and a master of arts in curriculum and instruction, with licensure in both TESOL and special education. Additional certifications include assistive technology professional (ATP) and Certified Professional in Accessibility Core Competencies (CPACC). Schultz has worked in both residential and educational settings and has always been passionate about removing barriers and increasing access.
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Katie Scott
Katie Scott is a PLAY and Teaching PLAY consultant, a PLAY supervisor, teaching PLAY mentor, and master trainer for PLAY. She has a bachelor's in early childhood education from the University of Dayton, master of child development from the Erikson Institute, and an MSW from Loyola University of Chicago. Scott has worked with children with autism spectrum disorder in a variety of settings (home, clinic, schools) for over 15 years. Over the past 9 years, she has been invested in expanding Teaching PLAY. She has been in over 100 classrooms coaching interdisciplinary teams and provides several Teaching PLAY workshops each year.
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Sue Seelig
Susan Seelig, M.Ed., is a consultant for State Support Team, Region 10 in Ohio where she supports district and building leaders with developing, using, and sustaining systems to improve the implementation of effective practices that lead to improved outcomes for all learners. Before joining the State Support Team, Sue served as an intervention specialist, a school improvement coach, and a curriculum, instruction, and assessment specialist. Sue is a member of the Ohio UDL Collaborative and has been involved in the creation of tools and documents to support teams and individuals with the implementation of UDL in a variety of settings.
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Courtney Seman
Courtney Seman has been an early childhood educator for twenty years. She currently serves as the Early Learning and School Readiness Consultant for State Support Team 2, collaborating with early childhood programs in Lorain, Erie, and Huron Counties. Seman was previously an assistant principal, special education coordinator, intervention specialist, and general education teacher in preschool. Her programs received national awards over multiple years for family engagement initiatives and earned state recognition for PBIS implementation. Seman is excited to present at OCALICON for the first time!
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Elizabeth Senften
Elizabeth A. Senften, M.A., CCC-SLP, is a school-based speech-language pathologist, who has worked with students with low incidence disabilities for over 20 years. She is currently working in the Akron Public Schools as a special education consultant. She has provided service to students preschool through transition age. Senften has worked closely supporting Akron's SLP for 10 years and has presented on assistive technology, strategies to enhance communication, therapeutic use of iPads, social-emotional strategies for self-regulation and team collaboration.
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Jill Senner
Jill E. Senner, PhD, CCC-SLP has over 25 years of experience working with children with complex communication needs. She is the owner and director of Technology & Language Center, PC, where she specializes in providing augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) services via telepractice. Senner presents lectures on AAC topics online and around the world, has published research articles and textbook chapters on AAC, and is an adjunct professor of speech-language pathology at DePaul University.
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Allison Shardell
Dr. Allison Shardell earned a doctorate in human services, specializing in autism and developmental disorders, and certificates in ASL/Deaf Studies, literacy for Deaf students, and educational leadership. She is the Director of Student Services & STEM, as well as an intervention specialist at Par Excellence STEM Academy. Shardell was State Support Team 11's 2023 recipient of the Franklin B. Walter Outstanding Educator Award and a featured educator for the Martha Holden Jennings Foundation. In 2023, she presented at the Ohio STEM Innovation Summit on inclusion in STEM education.
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Alec Sheaffer
Alec Sheaffer, OTD, M.Ed, OTR/L, is a pediatric occupational therapist with experience in early intervention, school-based, and outpatient services. In her current position, Sheaffer provides early intervention and school-based occupational therapy to children from US Military families stationed in Okinawa, Japan. In addition to her occupational therapy experience, she has experience working as a 7th and 8th grade science teacher in culturally diverse areas. Furthermore, Sheaffer has over 10 years of experience as a competitive gymnastics coach and program manager. She has presented internationally on ASD and equitable sports participation.
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Nicole Shepherd
Nicole Shepherd is a district administrator and board certified behavior analyst from West Virginia. She holds a doctor of education degree from Ohio University. Shepherd offers a variety of professional learning opportunities in her school district including presentations for the Teacher Induction Program, book studies, and sessions for professional and service personnel. Topics include praise, de-escalation, behavior, and autism. Additional interests include tiered systems of support, school-based mental health, school safety, and school-based ABA programs. Recent presentation topics include comprehensive autism services and tiered mental health supports.
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Collin Shepley
Collin Shepley is an assistant professor in the Interdisciplinary Early Childhood Education program at the University of Kentucky. Prior to entering higher education, Shepley was a preschool special education teacher. Shepley presently teaches courses related to child development, preschool lesson planning, and assessment of young children. Central to all Shepley's research projects is a focus on identifying and providing research-supported interventions to children with disabilities in schools and homes. In addition, Shepley adheres to research practices in accordance with the Open Science movement, whereby data and materials are freely available to consumers.
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Kimberly Sherrod
Kimberly Sherrod is a mother of three adult sons, and four grandsons, with her youngest son being autistic. She has been a family advocate for many years and recently became an Ambassador for Charting the Life Course. Additionally, she is a parent mentor with Aspirations at the Nisonger Center at The Ohio State University. Sherrod hosts a monthly support group for families/caregivers with autistic young adults members. Sherrod is a professional real estate agent with over 30 years of experience and loves with working family's to obtain their dreams.
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Kari Sherwood
Kari L. Sherwood, MS, MEd, MSW, is a PhD candidate (ABD) in social work and developmental psychology at the University of Michigan in the Level Up Employment Skills Simulation Lab ( Sherwood is passionate about improving employment opportunities, access, and inclusion in the workplace for autistic and neurodivergent individuals. Her primary research interests include designing, evaluating, and implementing technology-based interventions, including interventions for employers to establish more inclusive hiring and work practices. She also studies the impact of workplace microaggressions and masking.
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Julie Short
Julie Short is a regional consultant for the Autism Center at OCALI. She coordinates and provides regional and statewide professional development, consultation services, and technical assistance to improve outcomes for individuals with ASD. Short has participated on the National Community of Practice of Autism Spectrum Disorder. She is a member of the National Autism Leadership Collaborative and Statewide Autism/Low-Incidence Collaborative and is an adjunct professor at Ashland University. Prior to OCALI, Short taught elementary and middle school, both general and special education. She has a daughter on the autism spectrum.
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Judy Siens
Judy Siens, a project assistant at the AT&AEM Center at OCALI, manages the operation and delivery system of accessible educational materials (AEM) to Ohio school districts as well as carrying out the annual Federal Quota registration of eligible students who are blind or visually impaired for the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Office for Exceptional Children. This program generates supplemental funds for AEM for Ohio students. She also maintains the AT&AEM Center's clearinghouse of braille, digital, and large print textbooks and educational aids loaning to eligible students. Siens has worked for OCALI for 22 years.
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Inga Siler
Inga Siler is a doctoral student at UNCG and a licensed speech-language pathologist. Siler is beginning her 20th year as a speech-language pathologist, and while a majority of her career was spent working in the public schools, she also has worked in early intervention for infants and toddlers programs and private practice. Siler's research interests include child language and literacy, assessment and treatment of pediatric speech and language disorders, early intervention practices, and school based SLP issues. When she is not reading research, she enjoys spending time with her family, listening to music, traveling, boating, and Iowa Hawkeye football.
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Brenda Simmons
Brenda Simmons, MS, currently works for The George Washington University as a senior technical assistance/research analyst for the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C). Simmons provides training and technical assistance to state VR agencies and their education partners to collaborate and successfully implement pre-employment transition services and transition services requirements of the Rehabilitation Act, as amended by WIOA. Simmons previously worked as the director of transition services for Missouri Vocational Rehabilitation.
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Pat Skidmore
Pat Skidmore is an educational audiologist and consultant for the educational assessment team and hearing intervention services based at the Montgomery County Educational Service Center/SST10. She conducts student assessments for Deaf/hard of hearing learners that incorporate all areas of development affected by hearing loss and language deprivation. She works with educational teams to develop student plans that will maximize communication growth regardless of modality or language. Dr. Skidmore also works with the Montgomery County ESC Early Childhood Deaf/Hard of Hearing preschool, a program that supports young Deaf children as they are in a critical period of language development.
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Camille Skubik-Peplaski
Camille Skubik-Peplaski received her bachelor of science in occupational therapy from Eastern Michigan University, her master's of science in occupational therapy from Wayne State University and her PhD in rehabilitation science from the University of Kentucky. She currently is a professor in the Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy at Eastern Kentucky University. Her research interests are inclusion and optimal occupational performance.
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Gideon Smith
Gideon Smith is a dedicated educator with extensive experience in special education and Montessori pedagogy. Smith's educational journey has equipped him with a deep understanding of both pedagogical theories and practical methodologies, enabling him to effectively cater to the diverse needs of students. As a student services manager at Cincinnati Public Schools, Smith plays a pivotal role in ensuring the provision of high-quality special education services. His responsibilities encompass guiding teams through the intricacies of ETR/IEP processes, resolving disputes, and ensuring strict compliance with regulatory requirements.
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Kelly Smith
Kelly Smith is the external affairs administrator of OhioRISE at the Ohio Department of Medicaid. She is a passionate advocate with over ten years of experience in state government. In her role at Medicaid, she leads stakeholder engagement activities implementing the OhioRISE program ensuring all community partners, providers, and systems are ready to serve youth with complex behavioral health and multisystem needs and continue to grow the system of care. Smith holds a bachelor of arts in political science from the University of Akron.
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Sean Smith
Sean J. Smith, a professor of special education at the University of Kansas, has a background in special education and technology. He is a Project Director on several US Department of Education program initiatives and has authored and presented hundreds of articles/papers on special education technology. He has served in Leadership (e.g., President) of the Council for Exceptional Children's Division on Technology (ISET) and currently serves on the Board of the National Down Syndrome Congress. He is the proud parent of four children, one having an intellectual disability.
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Jennifer Snyder
Jennifer Snyder has worked in the special education field for over 20 years as a special education teacher, a special education supervisor, an assistance special education director, and is currently finishing her third year as a special education and preschool director for Antwerp schools. Snyder spent three years working outside of education for a grant making foundation. She is married and has two daughters who are currently in college.
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Emily Sobeck
Emily Sobeck, PhD, is an associate professor of special education at Franciscan University. Sobeck earned her doctorate in special education from the University of Pittsburgh and has special education teaching experience at both the elementary and secondary level. Her research interests include paraeducator training and supervision, extended school year programming, teacher preparation, and classroom behavior management. She serves as an editorial review board member for several peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Special Education. Sobeck teaches courses related to intervention and instruction for students with disabilities, classroom organization, and behavior management.
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Richard Solomon
Richard Solomon, M.D., is a developmental/behavioral pediatrician. His experience diagnosing and treating children with autism spans 25 years. His career includes faculty positions in academic centers, extensive research experience, and volunteer positions with nonprofit boards and state-appointed committees. Solomon has an active developmental/behavioral pediatrics practice, serves as a consulting medical director to two health systems, leads the PLAY Project Organization, and is an active facilitator of PLAY Project autism early intervention training.
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Clara Spears
Clara Spears is a student at the University of Cincinnati, studying special education, developmental disabilities, and music. Spears has experience at UC's Center for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. She is mentored by Dr. Todd Haydon, researching the use of sensory-based interventions to support learning and self-regulation. Spears will pursue a doctorate in Occupational Therapy, specializing in helping young adults achieve increased independence as they transition to adulthood. As an Autistic person, Spears has a unique perspective. She strives to increase visibility of neurodivergent professionals and empower people with disabilities to live joyful, self-determined lives.
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Breanna Sprenger
Breanna "Bre" Sprenger grew up in Avon, OH, and graduated from Avon High School in 2019. She is currently a junior at Cleveland State University studying social work with the career goal of becoming a social worker and working with medically complex children and their families. Sprenger is a retired Paralympic Team USA Swimmer who represented Team USA at the 2013 World Championships and 2014 Pan Pacific Championships. She started work as a Good Life Ambassador in January 2023.
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Stacy Springer
Stacy Springer, MS, OTR/L, ATP has over 20 years experience as a special educator, occupational therapist and assistive technology specialist. Currently, as the Program Director of the AT&AEM Center at OCALI, she leads initiatives that enhance access to assistive technologies and accessible educational materials across Ohio and beyond. Her career includes leadership in multiple school districts, state-level roles, university instruction, and consultation across five states, along with contributions to international projects and published work on disability adaptations. Springer is a member of the QIAT Leadership team.
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L. Lynn Stansberry Brusnahan
Lynn Stansberry-Brusnahan, Ph.D., is the parent of an adult with autism and a professor at the University of St. Thomas, where she directs the autism and developmental disabilities programs (license, certificate, master's). She previously served on the Autism Society of America, Wisconsin, and Southeastern Wisconsin boards. She serves on the Council for Exceptional Children-Division on Autism and Developmental Disabilities board. In 2012, she was the Autism Society Professional of the Year. She is co-author of Do Watch Listen Say: Social and Communication Intervention for Autism Spectrum Disorder.
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Jared Stewart
Jared Stewart has been named Educator of the Year, Presenter of the Year, and Hero for Autism. He works as program director for ScenicView Academy and adjunct professor at Utah Valley University's autism center. He has been chair of the Utah Developmental Disabilities Council and serves on several local and national autism advisory boards. Stewart has spent over two decades working with autistic adults as a teacher, life coach, and licensed behavior analyst, and has shared his insights with many local and national audiences. His passion for the subject arises from personal experience: he has numerous family members on the spectrum, and he himself is a proud autistic.
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Michael Stoehr
Michael Stoehr, MS, is a knowledge development and technical assistance specialist with the National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: the Collaborative (NTACT:C). He has worked in the special education field for the past 38 years and has extensive experience in the areas of secondary transition, assessment, job analysis, supported and customized employment, transition communities of practice, effective transition planning, inter-agency collaboration, transition practices for students with complex support needs, family engagement, and youth leadership and self-advocacy.
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Elizabeth Striegl
Liz Striegl is an educational audiologist in Lorain county. She transitioned from clinical audiology to an educational role in 2021. She graduated from NOAC in 2016 and completed her undergraduate work at The College of Wooster. She is so excited to be more active in professional organizations and to build the important collaboration of educational audiologists and clinical audiologists in Ohio. She currently is a board member of the Ohio Academy of Audiology and an active member of OSSPEAC and EAA. In her free time she enjoys cooking, hiking, and spending time with her 2 standard poodles and husband. She also enjoys the Cleveland Playhouse shows and Cleveland Guardians.
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Shawn Strohl
Shawn Strohl has BA and MA degrees from Ohio State University in special education and administration. She has been a teacher, teacher consultant, coordinator, and parent mentor working in Worthington City Schools and Upper Arlington City Schools. Later, she was director of student services in Reynoldsburg. Currently she is coordinator of the D/HH program for the ESC of Central Ohio. She has provided inservice training on multiple topics. She has been and an opening speaker for Hilliard City Schools, and in the summer institute local districts. She presented to the University of Dayton education program and served as panelist during Ohio University's Women's Institute.
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Meredith Suhr
Meredith Suhr, MA, SLP-CF is a both a recent graduate from The Ohio State University and current doctoral student working with Dr. Allison Bean. Her research and clinical interests include autism spectrum disorders, alternative and augmentative communication (AAC), and especially transition to adulthood for adolescents and young adults who use AAC. Suhr served as a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disability (LEND) clinical trainee from 2023-2024 through Ohio State's Nisonger Center.
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Jennifer Sullivan
Jennifer Sullivan, MS, has spent 22 years in higher education, including 10 years as a director of a transition program on a college campus in CT. Sullivan is the author of 2 books including the Sharing the Transition to College Workbook, filled with 80 skill-building activities and real-world scenarios to prepare students for college. She is the owner of Fast Forward College Coaching which supports college-bound, new and struggling college students with learning disabilities, ADHD, anxiety, and autism. She presents nationally to parent groups, and high school and college educators on strategies to successfully support diverse learners in their high school to college journey.
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Todd Sundeen
Todd H. Sundeen, Ph.D., is a professor in the School of Special Education, College of Education and Behavioral Sciences, at the University of Northern Colorado (UNC). He has been teaching at UNC for 16 years with students at all levels, undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral. His primary areas of specialization are inclusive practices and co-teaching especially in rural settings. He also focuses his research on instructional interventions for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities with a specific emphasis on classroom learning strategies, interventions, and assessments for mathematics and expressive writing.
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Steven Sweeney
Steven Sweeney is the newest Good Life Ambassador, starting in Spring 2024. He also works at Planet Fitness in NE Ohio. Sweeney is passionate about sharing his story to help others navigate the challenges and opportunities of the workforce.
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Amy Szymanski
Amy Szymanski, MEd, has over 25 years of experience in education, primarily in the area of special education and secondary transition for students with disabilities. Szymanski currently works as a secondary transition and workforce development consultant contracted by the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce, Office for Exceptional Children.
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Mark Tapia
Mark Tapia is a researcher interested in advancing advocacy skills with autistic individuals at the postsecondary level. He has worked on training programs for families and for professionals as part of ECHO Autism and the LEND program. His passion also lies in wanting to advocate for autistic individuals like himself with the hopes of improving legal and healthcare outcomes.
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Melissa Tapp
Melissa Tapp is an assistant professor of special education at Catawba College. She has worked directly with students, teachers, and families for several years. Her research interests include increasing engagement of students with extensive support needs within school settings, with a focus on communication and behavioral interventions as well as improving teacher education.
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Jim Taylor
Jim Taylor has extensive experience in providing and promoting high quality services to autistic people, their families, and to professionals. Having worked in the field of autism for more than 40 years, he advises many education authorities and other providers while contributing and leading a number of outstanding projects in schools, adult services, in employment and in the criminal justice system throughout the UK. He is currently chair of the National Autistic Society's Expert Advisory Group. In 2015, Taylor was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award by the NAS (UK) and the Award for Excellence in Educational Leadership from OCALI. He is proud to have presented at OCALICON since 2007.
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Katie Taylor
Dr. Katie Taylor has over 14 years of experience in serving students with disabilities in K-12 and higher education. She previously worked for the PATINS Project, Indiana as a state-wide specialist in universal design for learning, assistive technology and accessible education materials. She has a doctorate degree in special education (administration, policy and law), masters in special education - deaf education, bachelors in speech language pathology from Ball State University. Her dissertation focused on state mandated dyslexia screening, reading assessments, and services. She has family members who have dyslexia including her sons who use the Texthelp tools in their classrooms.
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Shaye Taylor
Born and raised in Cleveland, OH, Shaye Taylor was diagnosed with autism as a preschooler. She attended Cleveland Municipal Schools and graduated from Jane Addams Business Careers Center High School in 2009. She had been a Good Life Ambassador for the Cuyahoga Board of Developmental Disabilities for 3 years speaking to community groups about self-advocacy and inclusion. Taylor has been a Special Olympics figure skater since she was 4 years old. She is an avid bowler with a high score of 221. Taylor works as a cashier at Marc's and is active with several social groups.
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Travis Taylor
Travis Taylor is the Graduation and College in High School Administrator in the Office of Graduate Success at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. He joined the Department in 2021. Prior to working at the Department, he worked with high school youth in the non-profit sector in central Ohio for eight years.
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Lisette Tedeschi
Lisette Tedeschi has been a teacher for Deaf/hard of hearing students for 25 years. She has mentored many teachers at the ESCCO, where she has worked since 1999. Tedeschi received her bachelor of science degree from OU and her master's in Deaf education from the University of Pitt. In addition to facilitating and supporting mainstream instruction, and managing an interpreting team, Tedeschi has been active in the Deaf community. She has collaborated with DSC, served as a board member at Deaf Initiatives, and coached students in academic bowl. Tedeschi was the first recipient of the Scouten Internship at RIT, been a panel presenter for NAD, and taught as an adjunct lecturer at OSU.
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Breanna Tedrow
Breanna Tedrow, M.A. CCC-SLP, is the project coordinator for the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence. She has a bachelor's degree in speech and hearing science and a master's degree in speech-language pathology from The Ohio State University. Along with her SLP background, Tedrow has experience serving in the field of digital accessibility. Currently, Tedrow manages the daily operations of the Early Childhood Inclusion Center of Excellence to ensure inclusion support is accessible to all early care and education teams.
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Dixie Teeter
Dixie Teeter is an ASHA certified speech-language pathologist who has worked in education for over 25 years. She graduated with a master's degree in speech-language pathology from Fort Hays State University and an autism spectrum disorder certificate from Pittsburg State University. Most of Teeter's work has been in the public school system, where she worked with students of all ages with complex communication needs. She has worked for TASN-ATBS since 2019 and is also an adjunct instructor for FHSU. Her passion is promoting positive student outcomes through supporting, coaching, and training educators and families.
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Colleen Ticherich
Colleen Ticherich has 15 years as an educational interpreter, currently in a Deaf preschool. Formerly active with ISLR, Ohio Hands and Voices, and OCRID, she continues her involvement with NAIE. Ticherich is the recipient of the national Leilani Johnson Award for Educational Interpreters by NAIE, the Educational Interpreter of the Year by OCRID(2022). Locally, she is on the board of Deaf Education Ohio, a member of the Committee for Deaf Equity and Access (interpreter standards), involved with LEAD-K Ohio, and is the founder of the grassroots "Fam-ILY ASL Events" outings for families with Deaf littles. She has recently been accepted to Gallaudet's Early Intervention Master's Program.
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Megan Trowbridge
Megan Trowbridge, EdD, is a regional consultant for the Autism Center at OCALI. She coordinates and provides regional and statewide professional development, consultation services, and technical assistance to improve outcomes for individuals with ASD. Trowbridge began her career as a paraprofessional and then as an intervention and behavior specialist before becoming a consultant on Region 14 State Support Team/Southern Ohio ESC. She has collaborated on projects for students with disabilities through local universities, was the president of her local Board of Developmental Disabilities and been a member of state-wide committees for assistive technology and low-incidence disabilities.
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Aimee Troyer
Aimee Troyer is an education program specialist in the Office for Exceptional Children at the Department of Education and Workforce. Troyer is certified as a k-12 special education teacher with a reading endorsement and holds a master's in education from George Fox University. For twenty-one years, she worked in public education serving in various roles including intervention specialist, behavior specialist and assistant special education director. She currently works at DEW and serves on the Diverse Learner team where her work focuses on multi-tiered system of supports and specially designed instruction. She is also the coordinator for the State Personnel Development Grant.
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Becca Trumble
Becca Trumble has been a speech pathologist for 7 years and a yoga teacher for 2 years. She specializes in teaching "flow" classes, which incorporate breath with movement. She started taking yoga classes while in graduate school to stay grounded and has continued this practice ever since. Trumble teaches an optional class at Monroe High School for teachers after school, and she has also taught a few classes to students. She believes a yoga practice can help any student or professional stay mindful and grounded.
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Carolyn Turner
Carolyn Turner is an educator and reading science doctoral student. She is a teacher, literacy specialist, adjunct professor, dyslexia interventionist, and national literacy consultant. Turner currently serves as one of the Department of Education and Workforce's two literacy leads. She is an advocate for reading science and has extensive knowledge of the science of reading. Turner works with educators to build their capacity to implement evidence-based reading practices in schools. She works to ensure that all have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and abilities to sustain change, resulting in improved instruction and successful reading achievement for all children.
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Erin Turner
Erin Turner, M.A., is an educational consultant for the Enhancing Peer Networks Project at Vanderbilt University. As a special educator for 12 years, Turner served diverse schools and districts across many roles. She taught both general and special education classes, lead inclusion programs, and served as a district-wide special education coach. She now collaborates with and provides training to educators and school sites to implement the Enhanced Peer Networks Intervention.
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Nathan Turner
Nate Turner, a dedicated advocate with 16+ years of commitment to Ohio's disabled community, holds degrees in political science and international studies from Wright State University. Passionate about fostering leadership in marginalized groups, he educates on law enforcement interactions, finance, work's impact on benefits, and communication. As a black man with cerebral palsy, Turner's involvement spans numerous community organizations, including board memberships and consultancy roles. He champions independent living through technology, balancing his pursuits with interests in tech, literature, cuisine, gaming, and streaming.
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Michael Tuttle
Michael Tuttle is an assistant professor in the visual disabilities program at Florida State University. The courses he teaches include Unified English Braille, assistive technology for students with visual impairments, and accommodating students with visual impairments. His research focuses on the role assistive technology can play in improving students with visual impairments' academic experiences and quality-of-life outcomes. Prior to academia, Tuttle worked as a teacher of students with visual impairments and an assistive technology specialist in Metro Nashville Public Schools.
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Darlene Unger
Darlene Unger, Ph.D., is a professor of special education at Kent State University. Her instructional experiences reflect educational services for youth with autism and developmental disabilities. Unger has coordinated research and training projects on multiagency collaboration and employment services for individuals with disabilities. Her publications include book chapters and articles on the transition experiences of adolescents with autism, employer experiences with individuals with disabilities, disability-employment discrimination, supported employment, and the use of technology for teaching and learning. She is past-president of CEC's Division of Career Development and Transition.
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Anna Vagin
Anna Vagin, PhD, is a licensed speech/language pathologist. In her private practice, she provides individual sessions and social learning groups to children and young adults. Her particular interest is using media to support social thinking in students with diagnoses such as ASD, ADHD, NVLD, language disorder, anxiety disorder, social communication disorder or twice exceptional. She is a frequent speaker in the US and Canada on topics related to social cognition, and is the author of Movie Time Social Learning (2013) and YouCue Feelings: Using Online Videos for Social Learning (2015) and creator of the Conversation Paths Pack Expanded Version (CPPEV 2.0).
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Michael Valentino
Michael Valentino, MSW, LSW is the program manager for Aspirations, a communication skill support group for autistic teens and young adults at The Ohio State University Nisonger Center. Valentino completed his social work undergraduate and graduate level field work with the Social Programs Department at Nisonger Center and was selected as a Leadership Education in Neurodevelopment Disabilities (LEND) fellowship trainee. In addition, Valentino has experience in working with the aging population and in mental health and substance use areas alongside the probate court in Franklin County, Ohio.
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Eleazar Trey Vasquez
Eleazar Trey Vasquez III, director of the Toni Jennings Exceptional Education Institute and professor of exceptional student education at the University of Central Florida, has research continuously funded since 2008 with the goal to understand how K-12 and postsecondary students with and without disabilities can learn STEM content using innovative technologies through interdisciplinary collaborations, lean startup models, and UDL framework. He holds joint appointment with the Learning Science Cluster at UCF, affiliate faculty status with Lockheed Martin/UCF Academy, and SREAL synthetic reality lab. He serves on executive boards for CAST, UDL-IRN, and as a technical reviewer for NSF and IES.
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Megan Vermillion
Megan Vermillion is a program specialist for gifted services at the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. She joined the department in 2021 after five years in the classroom- three years as a gifted intervention specialist and two years as a general education teacher. Prior to working as an educator, Vermillion earned her bachelor's degree in early childhood education and intervention education from Capital University, as well as her master's degree in curriculum and instruction with an emphasis in gifted education.
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Mary Vicario
Mary Vicario, LPCC-S, has a certificate in traumatic studies from The Justice Resource Institute and has 30+ years experience turning the latest research into interventions for all ages and abilities. She was an American Counseling Association delegate to China and Mongolia, and has participated in a conference on human trafficking in Germany. She received training at international trauma conferences and Harvard Medical School. Vicario is a trainer for Ohio Child Welfare and co-authored the Foster Parents Survival Guide, as well as articles, curricula, and a textbook chapter in Counseling Children and Adolescents: Connecting Theory, Development and Diversity.
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Kaitlyn Viera
Kaitlyn Viera is a Ph.D. student in special education. Prior to returning to school, she was an intervention specialist for four years.
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Jackie Vollmer
Jackie Vollmer is an intervention specialist with a dual license (mild/moderate and moderate/intensive) from the state of Ohio. She spent 12 years teaching students with low-incidence disabilities and a variety of needs. She is in her first year as a coach on the austim and low-incidence coaching team, coaching educational teams in 6 counties. Vollmer is a recipient of the Centerville City Schools Excellence in Education award, Ohio Teacher of the Year nominee, Bringing Out The Best In Kids award and an "A-LIST" teacher chosen by the Miami Valley Autism and Low-Incidence Coaching Team at the Miami Valley Regional Center.
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Morgan Voytek
Morgan Voytek went to Kent State University for her bachelor's degree and graduated in 2014 as an intervention specialist with a moderate/intensive specialization. She taught in public schools for five years grades K-8. Voytek completed her master's degree at KSU in clinical mental health counseling along with a certificate in addictions counseling in May 2021. Most recently, Voytek obtained a certificate in applied behavior analysis through the Florida Institute of Technology and received her BCBA/COBA. Voytek is the mental health director within the KidsLink School. Voytek also serves as the emotional well-being coordinator for the KidsLink family of services.
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Jordan Wagner
Jordan Wagner works at The OSU Nisonger Center, a University Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD), as project manager for Technology Projects. In this role, Wagner incorporates his experience assisting individuals with IDD, his passion for promoting independence, and his enthusiasm for technology solutions. With the collaborative effort of the Technology Projects team, Wagner conducts research activities about technology related services and develops educational trainings and experiences.
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Melissa Wagner
Melissa Wagner, M.ED.,is a special education and transition consultant for the State Support Team in region two. Wagner has twenty years of experience working in the education field in the way of a general education teacher, Title One teacher, intervention specialist, transition specialist, executive functioning coach, and a college and career coordinator. As a special education/transition consultant she provides consulting, coaching and professional learning opportunities for SST region two districts to improve special education programs moving from compliance to best practice. Wagner has a passion for student centered planning, and increasing family engagement in the education process.
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Shawnee Wakeman
Dr. Shawnee Wakeman is a clinical professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her research interest includes access to the general curriculum including how it is enacted for students with extensive support needs in a variety of settings and teacher preparation. Wakeman served as the PI or Co-PI on several federally funded (OSEP and IES) projects including Project IMPACT: Inclusion Made Practical for All Children and Teachers and The TIES Center: Increasing Time, Instructional Effectiveness, Engagement, and State Support for Inclusive Practices for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities.
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Jennifer Walker
Jennifer Walker is an adolescent literacy specialist for DEW and works through the ESC of Eastern Ohio. Walker has 27 years of experience in teaching and leadership roles. She most recently served as a curriculum director and principal in the Youngstown City School District. Previously, Walker worked as a middle and high school English language arts teacher for 16 years. In 2010, Walker was honored as the Ohio Teacher of the Year. She achieved National Board Certification in 2001. Walker serves as an adjunct instructor in the Teacher Education Reading program at Youngstown State University.
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Virginia Walker
Virginia L. Walker, PhD, BCBA-D, is an associate professor in the Department of Special Education and Child Development at UNC Charlotte. Walker's research has focused on PBIS, supports planning to enhance the inclusion of students with extensive support needs, and effective training practices for school staff supporting these students. She serves as an editorial review board member of Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, and Inclusive Practices.
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Ilia Walsh
Ilia Walsh is the director of individual and family services at AANE and the creator of the Autism In Real Life Podcast. She has over 25 years of experience through training, education, and support and is also a registered yoga teacher. Walsh is a mom of two young adults, one of whom is Autistic.
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Ryan Walsh
Ryan Walsh is a support specialist at AANE and a musician who is involved with music and podcast production. He shares his lived experience as an autistic adult on topics related to self-advocacy, mental health, education, employment, and building meaningful connections.
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Jo Hannah Ward
Jo Hannah Ward serves as the administrator of the Office for Exceptional Children, Ohio Department of Education and Workforce. Her background includes direct classroom experience, building level leadership, and mental health services in schools. Ward previously served as the executive director for the Center for Continuous Improvement, and served as director of the Office for Improvement and Innovation, assistant director in the Office for Exceptional Children, and as the deputy superintendent at the Ohio Department of Youth Services and the Franklin County Court Juvenile Detention Facility. Ward received a MEd from the University of Dayton and has a BS from The Ohio State University.
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Paula Washek
Paula Washek, benefits and supports specialist with Clearwater Council of Governments (COG). Currently holds certifications as a Certified Employment Support Professional (CESP), Certified Work Incentives Practitioner and a Transitioning Youth Practitioner. Experienced in applying for various benefit programs, navigating technical issues that arise with benefits, and applying work incentives to benefit programs. Experience training individuals, families, and County Board of DD employees in navigating the benefit systems.
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Nichole Watts
Nichole Watts has been part of The Ohio State University Nisonger Center clinical support services program for 15 years. This program provides assessment, training, and behavior support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and the people that support them throughout Ohio. Watts has a MA degree in counseling and holds a school counseling license through the Ohio Department of Education. She also has received her trauma responsive care certification through the Tri-State Trauma Network. She presented at the 2018 Ohio NADD conference on trauma informed behavior support.
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Lydia Wayman
Lydia Wayman is an autistic advocate with a BS in education and an MA in English and nonfiction writing. Through her presentations, writing, and art, she uses her experience to support families and professionals by helping them understand how autistic people see the world. She has worked at an autism resource center, mentored youth with disabilities, and spoken at a variety of events and conferences. Her writing has appeared in magazines, books, and newspapers, and she has helped to develop trainings and professional courses. She is the co-author of the upcoming middle grade novel Snoopers & Sneakers, which features an autistic main character, to be released in January 2025.
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Jennifer Webb
Jennifer Webb is currently working at Malone University as the chair of education and associate professor. She has over 25 years of teaching experience from kindergarten through graduate school. Her passion is working with students who have disabilities as well as teaching about students with disabilities, so that future teachers understand the nature and needs of all students.
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Leeann Weigman
Leeann Weigman is a consultant for State Support Team 9, where she provides professional development and coaching to school districts. She has a bachelor's degree in early childhood education, a master's of education in early childhood special education from Bowling Green State University, as well as a master's degree in educational administration from the University of Cincinnati. Weigman has worked as an early intervention specialist, preschool special education teacher, and an early childhood special education director.
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Rebecca Weisshaar
Rebecca Weisshaar an occupational therapist with 5 years of experience in the pediatric setting at Cincinnati Children's Hospital. She is the team lead for the autism clinical practice team and co-lead for the Transition Services: Thrive Program. Weisshaar has a passion for supporting patients across the lifespan, especially those with pervasive disabilities as they transition into adulthood. She strives to push the field of occupational therapy forward by developing and supporting programs that empowers therapists in their careers through mentorship and structured learning.
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Mark Wells
Mark Wells is an English immigrant and has lived and worked in the United States for 19 years. He is a dedicated husband to his wife Jena and the father of 4 boys: Steven (17), Jordan (16), Ashton (14) and Kieran (12). Ashton has a diagnosis of apraxia of speech and Down syndrome. In his down time, Wells runs kids to and from sports events and boy scout activities. He is an avid soccer fan and support 'Tottenham Hotspur' in the English Premier League. He stays active and exercises regularly, primarily walking long distances in his neighborhood. He has worked for Macy's for 17 years and is based in Cincinnati, Ohio.
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Elisa Wern
Elisa Wern is an occupational therapist, with a master's degree in special education, and RESNA certified ATP. She presents at a variety of state/national conferences including regional training, AOTA, CEC, PATINS A2E, ATIA, OTAP/ECHO TIES Project, CATE, TalkingAAC and AAC in the Cloud. She is the local assistive technology specialist for Alachua County Schools in Gainesville, Florida, where she coordinates AT services for the district, and serves as the lead OT. She has a private practice, AT and OT consulting and coaching, supporting students and families primarily through teletherapy evaluations, consultations, and interventions. She shares ideas and resources on Twitter @wernedat.
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Lorie West
Lorie West is a pre-K itinerant intervention specialist for Gallia County Local Schools in Southeast Ohio. She has a master's degree in special education. Prior to her current job, she served on the West Virginia Department of Education Early Learning standards revision committee, facilitated early learning online courses of child development, language and literacy and special education. West serves students that fail developmental screeners, students with disabilities and transition students from Part C to Part B. In her free time, she enjoys being a "Nanna" to her grandchildren.
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Christina Westerkamp
Christina Westerkamp has been a practicing school psychologist for 27 years. She graduated from The Ohio State University with her masters in school psychology. She has had the privilege to work in both urban and suburban districts with students grade preschool through high school. Most recently her presentations have been centered around PBIS in the preschool setting. Currently she serves an integrated preschool setting with 200 students. In the years 2019-2023, the school was awarded the Bronze Award for PBIS implementation. She has presented previously for OCALICON and OLAC on the topic of Preschool PBIS procedures and implementation.
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Mandy Whitfield
Mandy Whitfield has over two decades of experience working directly with students. Her transition into administration as a special education supervisor at MCESC showcases her commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for students with special needs. Whitfield's responsibilities include overseeing the implementation of IEP's for students with disabilities. She collaborates closely with intervention specialists and related service providers to ensure that each student's IEP is comprehensive and tailored to their unique needs. This collaborative approach underscores her commitment to providing a well-rounded education that addresses both academic and developmental aspects.
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Erika Wick
Erika Wick is a behavior specialist at Ohio County Schools. She received her bachelor's degree in psychology from West Liberty University in 2019. She is currently a graduate student at Capella University working towards a master's degree in applied behavior analysis. Wick has been working as a registered behavior technician since 2018 with experience in both clinical ABA and school-based ABA. Wick has extensive experience in early intervention services as well as K-12 behavior intervention services.
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Elizabeth Wietmarschen
Elizabeth Wietmarschen, MEd, is a transition to adulthood consultant at the OCALI Lifespan Transitions Center. She has worked with youth and young adults with disabilities in various capacities from providing direct care to supervising and training professionals in the field. She has extensive experience in developing programs that help promote successful post school outcomes for youth with disabilities and has a deep working knowledge of developing transition plans by using age-appropriate transition assessments. Wietmarschen is a licensed intervention specialist with her transition to work endorsement, is a Certified Employment Support Professional and a Charting the LifeCourse Ambassador.
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Tiffany Wild
Tiffany Wild, Ph.D., is an associate professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning and the program in visual impairment at The Ohio State University. She was awarded a doctoral fellowship with the National Center for Leadership in Visual Impairments, and her dissertation received the Dissertation of the Year award by CEC's Division on Visual Impairment. Her research on science education for students with visual impairments has resulted in numerous publications, presentations, and awards.
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James Williams
James Williams was diagnosed with autism in 1991, at the age of 3. He graduated from Glenbrook North High School in Northbrook, Illinois, in 2010, with a modified diploma. He gave his first presentation on autism in 1999. Today, he travels around the U.S. lecturing on autism. He is the author of two autism-related novels, Out to Get Jack and The H.A.L. Experimentt, and is the co-author of the novel West High Story with fellow self-advocate Alex Phillip. In addition, he serves on the staff for multiple anime conventions throughout the United States. He served on the SPARK Research Match Committee in 2021 and 2022, and on the SPARK Community Advisory Committee from 2017 to 2023.
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Thai Williams
Thai Ray Williams is a doctoral student at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte and a national board certified teacher with 32 years of experience as a special education teacher. Her research interests include: (a) writing instruction for students with extensive support needs, (b) family-centered and culturally-responsive practices for Native families of children with disabilities, and (c) the use of evidence-based practice of special education teachers serving in rural communities. In her spare time Williams enjoys working on her van conversion, creating multimedia art, and random adventures.
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Rebecca Wilson
Rebecca Wilson, EdD, is a distinguished educational leader and licensed social worker with extensive experience in behavioral intervention and school-based counseling. Holding a doctorate of education in educational leadership from Miami University and a master of science in social administration from Case Western Reserve University, Wilson has demonstrated exceptional expertise in advancing student success through innovative support systems.
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Laura C Windholtz
Laura Windholtz is a speech-language pathologist for Montgomery County Educational Service Center in Dayton, Ohio. She provides speech and language services to students with multiple disabilities in a separate facility for students with complex needs. Services include: direct treatment, AAC Evaluations, coaching staff on use of AAC devices, coaching staff on comprehensive literacy strategies and modeling language in the classroom. Windholtz serves on the building leadership team for Montgomery County ESC, where she collaborates with administrators and related service providers on building level issues.
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Brian Wojcik
Brian Wojcik currently works as the education program supervisor for the Nebraska Assistive Technology Partnership within the Nebraska Department of Education. He has worked previously as special education faculty at the University of Nebraska at Kearney and as the coordinator of the Special Education Assistive Technology (SEAT) Center at Illinois State University. As an educator, Wojcik has been integrating technology to meet the needs of students with diverse learning needs for well over three decades. In his current position, Wojcik works to help educators build capacity for delivering quality AT services within Nebraska.
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Hendrik Wolfert
Hendrik Wolfert is an accomplished educational leader from his experiences as a former teacher, principal, and district administrator. He holds an M.Ed. from Ashland University, an MBA from Lake Erie College, and a BA in education from Notre Dame College. Hendrik serves as a consultant at the ESC of Eastern Ohio, leading the Ohio UDL Collaborative LMS team. Previously, as MTSS director at Euclid Schools, he coordinated district-wide attendance initiatives while collaborating with Harvard University's Proving Ground. Hendrik presents regularly at educational conferences, focusing on design thinking, staff wellness, and PBIS growth mindset, showcasing his dedication to innovative education.
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Renee Wood
Renee Wood has been involved in the disability community all her adult life, serving as chair of many Ohio Disability organizations. Wood graduated from the University of Toledo with an associate's degree in computer programming, and a combined bachelor&'s degree in disabilities studies and creative writing. One of Wood's hobbies is writing her blog Renee's Ramblings ( Wood recalls assistive technology being part of her life from a young age- usually just simple things like a key guard on her typewriter, or a book holder. Wood now uses Amazon Alexa to control her environment and increase her independence (
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Mikayla Wroten
Mikayla Wroten is a preschool teacher for the Gallia County Local Schools. She obtained her undergrad at the University of Rio Grande, and is working on completing licensure for Pk-3 general education and k-12 special education. She began teaching preschool at Hannan Trace Elementary, and is very passionate about working with the youth in the schools and helping them succeed everyday. Wroten is married to her best friend; together they have two beautiful daughters. In her free time she loves to spend time with her family on their farm where they raise cattle.
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Shelby Wyant
Shelby Wyant received a master's degree in clinical rehabilitation counseling from Kent State University and is a clinical psychology doctoral student at Point Park University. She is a research associate at Kent State University's Center for Disability Inclusion.
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Bradley Wyner
Bradley Wyner joined Milestones Autism Resources as director of education in 2023. With a background in intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, foster care, and residential treatment, Wyner combines best practices regarding mental health, trauma, autism and person-centered thinking, with an acute interest in support for people who present with severe to profound disabilities. A NADD-certified specialist in the support of mental wellness for people with disabilities, Wyner has been recognized with the 2017 Ed Comer award from the Ohio Mental Illness/Intellectual Disabilities Coordinating Center of Excellence, and as NADD's 2022 Member of the Year.
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Byul Yim
Byul Yim is an accomplished educator specializing in special education, holding a M.S from Johns Hopkins University. Her career spans diverse roles in research and practice on an international and national scale. As a special education instructional systems specialist, Yim develops training programs focused on best practices in special education. Previously, she served as a special education teacher at the District of Columbia Public Schools. Her commitment to advancing special education practices is demonstrated by her dedication to ongoing research and professional development within the field.
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Lauren Yost
Lauren Yost is a graduate from Eastern Connecticut State University, where she majored in psychology. Yost was an intern at the university's office of accessibility as a student success coach. She assisted with accommodation requests, campus outreach events, and general student inquiries.
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Carole Zangari
Carole Zangari, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, ASHA-F, BCS-CL is an SLP professor at Nova Southeastern University. She is executive director of the NSU satellite of the University of Miami-NSU Center for Autism and Related Disabilities, and has been teaching AAC for more than 30 years. Zangari is an ASHA fellow and past coordinator, AAC SIG 12. She is on the board of directors for the USAAC, AAC strand advisor to ATIA, and board member for several disability organizations. Zangari is co-authored/co-edited Practically Speaking Language, Literacy, & Academic Development for Students with AAC Needs, TELL ME: AAC in the Preschool Classroom & TELL ME Más.
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Shelby Zimmerman
Shelby Zimmerman, MA (TSVI, COMS, GDMI) works on the assessment team at California School for the Blind (CSB), with OccuPaws Guide Dog Association, and as a lecturer at San Francisco State University. Additional experience includes teaching orientation and mobility and independent living skills to children and adults, coordinating the low vision program at CSB, supervising university student teachers, national and international presentations, and developing a guide dog instructor trainee program in Uruguay.
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Anne Zito
Dr. Anne Zito is a coordinator and consultant with State Support Team, Region 3. Her areas of focus are special education, literacy, and school improvement and she has designed and facilitated professional development and coaching around these topics. She earned her Ed.D. in educational leadership, M.A. in speech-language pathology, and B.A. in organizational communication. She worked as an SLP in Akron Public Schools for 27 years prior to joining SST3. Zito holds principal and SLP licenses, and has a certificate of clinical competence in speech-language pathology from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association. She is a member of the UDL Collaborative workgroup at OCALI.
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Stephanie Zito
Stephanie Zito, MS, NIC, has been a professional sign language interpreter and C-Print captionist for over a decade. She earned her bachelor's in ASL interpreting from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and went on to earn her master's degree in nonprofit management and leadership. Zito is a founding member of the National Association of Interpreters in Education, served as President from 2019-2022, and currently leads the credentialing task force that has been focused on establishing a national certification for educational interpreters. Additionally, she has led and consulted with groups focused on state regulatory requirements for sign language interpreters.