For over eighteen years, OCALICON has welcomed participants from all 50 U.S. states and crossed global boundaries, including attendees from countries like Argentina, Namibia, Puerto Rico, Canada, and the United Kingdom. But what exactly does the makeup of our attendance look like based on roles/titles? How many administrators come, such as CEOs, executive directors, and superintendents? What about general and special education teachers? Or parents or family members of people with disabilities?
They all - and so many others - are represented at our conference, lending both diversity and substance to the event. Leading professionals from different sectors and fields – ranging from state-level administrators to "down in the trenches" practitioners – connect with parents/families and individuals with autism or disabilities at OCALICON to share the latest ideas, strategies, and products for addressing the most pressing needs and challenges across the lifespan.
Related Services: 27%
Behavior Specialist, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, SLP, etc.
K-12 Education 27%
General Education, Special Education, Transition Specialist, etc.
Administrative: 21%
Curriculum Director, Principal, Superintendent, etc.
Business: 6%
Sales/Marketing, etc.
Families: 6%
Parents, Family Members, etc.
Higher Education: 6%
Professor, Researcher, Graduate or Undergrad Student, etc.
Early Childhood: 5%
Head Start, Preschool, Early Intervention Specialist, etc.
Adult Services: 2%
Adult Residential Provider, DD Support Services Administrator, Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, etc.
People w/Disabilities: 1%
ASD, TBI, etc.
Health Care: 1%
Nurse, Pediatrician, etc.
Note: Graph reflects 2009-2024; roles/titles were not collected in 2007-2008.