Let us know how you will engage the audience. Carefully select your session type as you consider your presentation style. Tell us how you will meet various adult learning styles, use materials, or ask questions. Highlight how the content will be presented in an engaging, interesting, and/or interactive manner.
Consider the challenges or successesyou have experienced. Have you run into barriersin your work and/or in implementing your material? What has worked well? Explain how these lessons can be applied more broadly to the work of others.
Help us understand what you know! Use examples, share research, or highlight a case study, illustration, or story. Show how each presenter demonstrates their experience and contributions. Elaborate on the situations or scenarios where the information has been previously applied and why you think it is relevant, timely, and important to share with others.
Be clear and captivating. Proofread your submission so that it is free from grammatical or spelling errors. Edit your work to focus on the main points while providing enough detail to fully convey the topic of the proposal, the approach used to present information, and the intended impact it will have on the audience. Use plain lanaguage as you make descriptions and spell out your abbreviations.
Use the maximum number of allowed characters. Elaborate on your ideas, provide examples that illustrate your points more fully, and use detailed descriptions of your thoughts or process to craft a vivid and accurate proposal so that reviewers have a clear and robust understanding of intended session content. Do not be vague.
Provide an additional voice or perspective with co-presenters. Include additional voices by adding a colleague with a different role, those with lived experience, the end-user of the training, someone in a similar role but from a different state or country, or anyone who might add another dimension or additional insight. Co-presenters add depth and variety to your content and make it more engaging.
Ensure all of your co-presenters have been addedbefore the submission deadline. OCALICON uses an open review process, meaning that reviewers are provided with the names and bios of each presenter listed on a proposal. We believe that the experience and expertise of presenters influence the quality of the presentation. Adding all of the co-presenters prior to the review process provides reviewers with a better understanding of the collective profile of the presentation team.
Plan enough content to completely fill the allotted session time. All sessions are 60 minutes in length and will be presented live on Zoom. Help us envision how you will spend the time, share examples, and engage with attendees.